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Eric Deggans
NPR TV critic, media analyst and guest host. Adjunct prof at Duke University and Indiana University. Father to four. Blerd. Drummer. Author: Race-Baiter: How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation. Media bloviator.
7.2k followers558 following531 posts

Just got phone message: they shut down city’s northeast water reclamation facility. Can’t drain water; will back up sewers. Can’t flush toilets. Can’t use shower or bathtub. Can’t run dishwasher or washing machine. For 48 hours. Sigh.


The 5 gallon bucket with heavy duty plastic liners. (There are kits you can buy at camping goods stores, but this will do if you have nothing else.) If bin liners aren’t robust, use 2 or 3. Kitty litter can help absorb contents. Sorry you have no sewer service; glad you’re ok otherwise.



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Eric Deggans
NPR TV critic, media analyst and guest host. Adjunct prof at Duke University and Indiana University. Father to four. Blerd. Drummer. Author: Race-Baiter: How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation. Media bloviator.
7.2k followers558 following531 posts