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Dr. Fröhlich
Lover Fighter Friend Father Husband Son Brother Partner Writer Scholar Neighbor Traveler Worker German He/his cishet Man Human "The Only Thing I Do Know Is That We Have To Be Kind. Please, Be Kind. Especially When We Don't Know What's Going On."
356 followers939 following2.2k posts

Hisbollah walked around and told people to leave, according to Spiegel journalist. All too terrible.


Can we not have prize winning photographs of abject horror?


I saw and heard that portion, too and then there are those who just high tailed it. Beirutis know all to well and this ongoing situation has been high level psychological warfare by Israel. Trauma upon trauma upon generations of trauma. It’s completely heartbreaking, not one person isn’t affected.

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Dr. Fröhlich
Lover Fighter Friend Father Husband Son Brother Partner Writer Scholar Neighbor Traveler Worker German He/his cishet Man Human "The Only Thing I Do Know Is That We Have To Be Kind. Please, Be Kind. Especially When We Don't Know What's Going On."
356 followers939 following2.2k posts