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Lieke Smits
Medievalist killjoy: “Dark Ages” = report & block. She/her. Trut met pronouns in haar bio (Geenstijl); zeer goed, maar niet excellent (NWO).
475 followers323 following901 posts

Prayer researchers: there is a new COST Action (network with EU funding) on Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World. You can apply for one of the 3 working groups here - my biased recommendation is #3 of which I am co-leader:

Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World
Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World

For centuries, prayer has been central to people’s worldview, to their education and formation, their experience of religion and the Divine, to the creation of societal communities, and to struc...


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Lieke Smits
Medievalist killjoy: “Dark Ages” = report & block. She/her. Trut met pronouns in haar bio (Geenstijl); zeer goed, maar niet excellent (NWO).
475 followers323 following901 posts