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Elizabeth Evans
Professor of Politics Univ Southampton. Likes books, cats, running, piano, swimming, football, coffee, gin, and The Archers
205 followers119 following29 posts

I was devastated when I found out that I was a few months older than Rishi Sunak...


Love the anniversary thread! I keep losing track of new books I needs to read I'm going to order a copy for our University library


We need to take advantage of the end of summer!!🍸


Glorious in South London 😉


We worked with the good folk at Go Easy Read to produce a freely available PDF version of our book Disability & Political Representation. Message me or


Just about to join my cttee...🫠

Reposted by Elizabeth Evans Through survey experiments in UK+US we found: 🦾Disabled citizens feel better represented by disabled than non-disabled candidates. (1/3)

Abstract: Studies have shown that citizens from minoritized groups, including women and people of color, tend to feel better represented by politicians who share their identity, often translating into electoral support. Is this also the case for disabled people, one of the largest yet often ignored minority groups in our societies? Analyses of data from a conjoint survey experiment with 6,000 respondents in the UK and US show that disabled people indeed feel better represented by disabled candidates. This representational link does not require a sense of group identity and is only partly explained by perceptions of shared policy preferences. The study also reveals that non-disabled people feel better represented by non-disabled candidates. The findings highlight the relevance of disability as a political identity, bolstering calls for more disabled people in politics, and might help explain the disability gaps in political trust and participation.

Ooh, I'll have to give that a listen. I've got the Ezra Collective on but the only prob is that I'm feeling a bit too chilled to write...

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Elizabeth Evans
Professor of Politics Univ Southampton. Likes books, cats, running, piano, swimming, football, coffee, gin, and The Archers
205 followers119 following29 posts