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Ordinary woman, sad at the state of the U.K. after 14 years of Tory. Pro-EU escapee from the other place. Loves nature, family and arty crafty stuff. Hates racism. We are all human - let’s just accept that can we? #FBPE
328 followers460 following82 posts
Reposted by Elly4Hope



How lovely it all was for most of us pre 2016. The country felt free and fairly happy; people could hop on a plane or train to Europe with no need for visa’s etc; we had good safe food; toys & other goods; no sewage in our waterways; we were mainly undivided. Now nothing but misery. How stupid! ….

Reposted by Elly4Hope

This statement from Badenoch is very very ugly…. It should serve as a warning to the Tory party, but it will probably be a rallying cry. If this is what you choose, you choose viciousness, racism, division, anger and, ultimately, failure.

“Not all cultures are “equally valid” when it comes to immigration and failing to recognise that is “naive”, Kemi Badenoch has said in an article for The Telegraph”
Reposted by Elly4Hope

I’m very struck by the fact that kids who grow up in the TFL zone have basically free and highly efficient transport over a huge area whereas in other parts of the country our kids have to pay a lot of money for infrequent and unreliable transport. The impact that has on your horizons must be huge.

Reposted by Elly4Hope

Well now I don't know who to believe, brilliant professors at the French National Centre for Science, the Scripps Institute and the University of Arizona who published their peer-reviewed research in the well-respected journal, 'Cell' or a lazy, ill-informed liar with a second class Classics degree?

Pictures of a scientist and another of Johnson wearing a Covid mask
Reposted by Elly4Hope

LAPD officer raids medical facility, thinking it's a dope farm, runs into MRI room with his gun. Gun gets stuck to the strong magnets of the MRI, so cop hits emergency shutdown, discharging all of the helium inside. An epic blunder causing huge damage. Just, wow.

US cops get gun stuck to MRI machine in bungled cannabis raid
US cops get gun stuck to MRI machine in bungled cannabis raid

Bumbling US cops who raided a medical diagnostics center thinking it was a cannabis farm got a gun stuck to the powerful magnets of an MRI machine, a California lawsuit has alleged.

Reposted by Elly4Hope
Reposted by Elly4Hope

The likelihood is that this is a rhetorical intervention, more than a policy intervention. Jenrick and Badenoch are making pretty similar cultural arguments to each other & to Braverman previously (though Braverman, Badenoch may get a somewhat higher profile when they say similar things to Jenrick)

Reposted by Elly4Hope

It makes much more sense to have exclusions (eg serious crime) while on a time-limited visa & various higher bars for citizenship (as the language test, citizenship test already have). But that describes things we already do. Badenoch wants a higher bar to decide *if* you come. What/where/how?

Reposted by Elly4Hope

In particular, does she have any different hoops or tests (based on a *group* characteristic, eg for a Jamaican, Bangladeshi but not a Canadian/Nigerian/Indian)?? Or does she have operable ideas (beyond current criminal record checks) for all individuals, before they can join the NHS/a care home?

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Ordinary woman, sad at the state of the U.K. after 14 years of Tory. Pro-EU escapee from the other place. Loves nature, family and arty crafty stuff. Hates racism. We are all human - let’s just accept that can we? #FBPE
328 followers460 following82 posts