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Mary Grace
Retired archivist, librarian, and linguist who is a feminist, reader, mom, grandma, pacifist, socialist, supporter of Amnesty International, trade unions and the welfare state. I like digital preservation and old photographs. Banner photo is two toy robots
1.3k followers905 following4.3k posts

I read all of Dostoevsky's works as Russian literature was my minor. I was profoundly affected by "Crime and Punishment." His novels are full of despair for sure, but there's also redemption...a little sunshine in the rain.


I don’t think she was entirely serious. I studied Russian philology and our language teachers were immigrants from Russia. I seem to remember she was from Moscow, hence jokes about Petersburg and the weather there. But also some concern for sensitive young people in there, I guess

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Mary Grace
Retired archivist, librarian, and linguist who is a feminist, reader, mom, grandma, pacifist, socialist, supporter of Amnesty International, trade unions and the welfare state. I like digital preservation and old photographs. Banner photo is two toy robots
1.3k followers905 following4.3k posts