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Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez
Assoc. Professor @ Denison U / Volcanologist / Writer for Rocky Planet on Discover / Be kind to your bad self. 🇨🇴
1.6k followers435 following581 posts

Also, Alaska has been doing this forever. It is no new development or secret.

Reposted by Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez

The indirect benefits of free lunches

Screenshot of a tweet taken from yet another social network but summarize that it is a note to summarize a quote of a quote here a paper from the National Bureau of economic research showing a result that free lunch programs reduce the amount that parents spend at grocery stores which makes grocery stores cut their prices because demand is down and so everyone in the area gets lower grocery prices
Reposted by Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez

Asheville has effectively been cut off from the world. No major land corridors open due to mudslides, flooded roads, or even roads no longer existing. Power outages and damage has made it impossible to get much information in or out. It’s just awful

Reposted by Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez

This is USGS water gage data. The black dots are "all-time high for this day." The pink outlined ones are above flood stage, dark blue are "much above normal." These stretch across a thousand miles.This is USGS water gage data. The black dots are "all-time high for this day." The pink outlined ones are above flood stage, dark blue are "much above normal." These stretch across a thousand miles.


Underland is wonderful.

Reposted by Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez

Multiple magma chambers are feeding the eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsular, making them hard to predict.


We are now fully within Tropical Storm Helene's sphere of influence.

Hurricane Helene remnants.
Reposted by Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez

🧪⚒️ In a recent paper in Nature Communications, Dr. Társilo Girona and Dr. Kyriaki Drymoni claim that their machine learning algorithm can predict upcoming large earthquakes. We tested the method, and found that it does not work. Read more on our blog.

Does this machine learning model predict large earthquakes? Maybe not.
Does this machine learning model predict large earthquakes? Maybe not.

We examine a new earthquake paper in Nature Communications.


Only one week until we start looking at applications for our tenure-track asst. professor position in Earth & Env. Sci. Do you study Natural Hazards? Can you teach structural geology/tectonics? If you haven't applied, you should do it soon!

Denison Job ad for TT Position.

Considering this earthquake near Reunion Island was nearly at the antipode of Granville, our Raspberry Shake picked it up quite remarkably. That's over 16,000 kilometers away!

Raspberry Shake earthquake waveform for a M6.3 event near Reunion Island.
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Dr. Erik Klemetti Gonzalez
Assoc. Professor @ Denison U / Volcanologist / Writer for Rocky Planet on Discover / Be kind to your bad self. 🇨🇴
1.6k followers435 following581 posts