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Faine Greenwood
civilian drone mapping technology and GIS/spatial data consultant, sometimes journalist and writer, monitors small drones in the Ukraine war, humanitarian-aid adjacent, always annoying online. they/them
25.9k followers16k following71.4k posts

It also blows my mind to see people around my age act like it was awesome to be in college and then a young adult in the late 2000s and early 2010s Did they somehow miss the part where no one could find a job? did they memory hole that? i mean i too enjoy MGMT but that didn't really COMPENSATE


Side issue for sure but I will die angry about the fact that big tech were basically the only people hiring 2008-2010 and the reaction of Bay Area power brokers was “how can we make life as difficult and expensive as possible for all the new college grads moving here?”


Fun fact: if you're trying to find out what MGMT is, but not firing on all thrusters, you can scroll right past the band I assume is the answer, and instead peruse the exciting realm of municipal programs, such as recycling and hazardous waste disposal! Also a lot of property management companies.


I graduated college in 2009. So many of my friends worked their high school retail jobs for 5-6 more years after finishing college because there was just nothing for them.


Nope, it sucked. I graduated from uni in 2010, right into a ME crash (that I thought was a burnout). Only could find a job in a very shitt call center where I got sexuality harassed, and after a year finally got a nicer job as tech support. It took 7 years to get a job at the level I graduated at.


I had a great time in college tbh. My rent was $150/month and I could cover my expenses just fine with two part-time jobs. It was only *after* when I had to pay back student loans...


I was undergrad class of 2010 and that job market is why I went to grad school.


I did ok but I was extraordinarily lucky (recession-proof job when the crisis hit, then law school; graduated when jobs were starting to pick up again)


Just everyone racked up $100,000 of debt and then went back to working at Starbucks. That was everyone's universal experience.


Do people forget that the Bushes tank the economy? Double layoffs under W. Terrible job market with Poppy. They were terrible Presidents.


Regardless of the economy, being in college and a young adult rocks. You have a built in community of like-minded peers, an elastic mind, body, and social standing, and you’re all at peak fuckability. It’s the nexus age between minimum responsibility and maximum freedom of movement.

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Faine Greenwood
civilian drone mapping technology and GIS/spatial data consultant, sometimes journalist and writer, monitors small drones in the Ukraine war, humanitarian-aid adjacent, always annoying online. they/them
25.9k followers16k following71.4k posts