Fancy Sandwiches
Software Developer by day, dilettante by night. I paint with Watercolor/Gouache, sketch with a Dip Pen, photograph birds, skateboard, and otherwise collect hobbies.
107 followers114 following168 posts
Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

Encyrtids are important biocontrol agents, pretty much always tiny (biggest one I've found is a few millimeters long), and the most ridiculous, goofy, gorgeous, harmless things. I will get people to love them. 🐡🐝🌿#InverteFest

Aenasius species. Stubby little creature, like a coppery iridescent golf ball crossed with a beetle.
Aeptencyrtus bruchi. A small golden brown little thing; unassuming, other than a bright green emerald jewel on her back between where her wing stubs are. It's not a jewel, of course, but if you put it on a normal creature one could assume you wanted to marry it. But that is just how Aeptencyrtus bruchi do.
Holcencyrtus species. Chonky little thing with full-body iridescence. Thick like an oil slick.
This one is just solid orange. Orange chew candy. With antennae.
Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

Periodic reminder that there is more than one kind of wasp and I really don't ever want to hear your sting stories uninvited, any more than a dog lover wants to hear your dog bite story

Tiny shiny coppery compact beetle-like wasp nugget, paused on the tip of a dry pine needle
Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

I love toothpick grasshoppers; and so does Mr Phidippus clarus, though for very different reasons

Large black jumping spider with just a tiny glimpse of green chelicerae, on a blade of grass munching a large green grasshopper
Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

Not what I was going for but with some elbow grease it wasn’t a loss… #art#sciart#anatomyart#watercolor

Heart in ribcage, watercolors
Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

I don’t. Imagine a bunch of white users tagging a discussion of systemic racism with “CW racism” for merely mentioning that racism exists and is a problem. You’d have the inverse of the problem and offer up a massive tool to bad actors to police the content of others in a serious way.

Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

The social media experience has trained us all to see our preferences as moral failures or successes instead of just, what we personally like or dislike

Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

one thing i really fucking loathe about bluesky apologists is when the team made a clear and deliberate decision to something extremely stupid and damaging and you can even point at the design parameters that went into it and some fuckwit says "but it's just a beta!!!"


I haven't really been on this app in days. Are the admins still acting like shitheads and burying their head in the sand as often as they can?

Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

I’ve harped on this too much already, but Alice’s language is quintessential “new” racist language - co-opted buzzwords that are racist in context but existed outside the racist community as innocuous, often academic terminology. Linguistic “OK” hand symbols. Anglosphere is a textbook example.

Reposted by Fancy Sandwiches

Because that would require them to step outside the narrative of ONLY being cast as hero/victim; never the villain…if you can’t accept (1) that you fucked up (2) that your lack of knowledge caused the fuck up (3) that you’re not qualified to fix the fuck up & shouldn’t be building in the 1st place

Fancy Sandwiches
Software Developer by day, dilettante by night. I paint with Watercolor/Gouache, sketch with a Dip Pen, photograph birds, skateboard, and otherwise collect hobbies.
107 followers114 following168 posts