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Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes
Animate pancake. I just learned about weed and if you don't smoke it you're an objectively bad person. This account is not sponsored by COPPOLA Diamond Black Label Claret Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine, available at TARGET.
383 followers808 following3.3k posts
Reposted by Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes

Might be true elsewhere, but the United States in particular (due to its genuinely-stupid settler expansion) has built some cities in places that longer-running Native cultures never would have built a permanent civilization. Don’t think it’s fair to assume all our hubris will survive.

Reposted by Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes

He's got a sequel up.

Reposted by Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes

In order to determine whether a 15-year-old volleyball player was transgender, Florida police sought out her medical records to determine any changes in her body weight and asked her teammates if they had ever seen her nude. One detective referred to the girl as "it"

Reposted by Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes

After being baptized in the Thames, he's probably more microbiome than man in a way that transcends nationality.


I love to be tracked at all times by my vehicular transport

Reposted by Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes

The more things change

Leslie Moonves on Donald Trump: “It May Not Be Good for America, but It’s Damn Good for CBS”
Reposted by Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes

dear migraine-suffering daughter

link to wired article: 
Patients Are Turning to Vibrators to Relieve Their Migraines

text bubble:
i'm sending you this article and then we're never speaking of it again

Man it's a hot one

Reposted by Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes

‘Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow, Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow. None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master: His songs are stronger songs and his feet are faster.’ Tom opens the barrow, sings away its spell, and awakens Frodo’s companions.

Reposted by Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes

Frodo hews at the arm, cutting the hand away, but shattering the sword. Then he remembers the rhyme: ‘Ho! Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo! By water, wood and hill, by the reed and willow, By fire, sun and moon, harken now and hear us! Come, Tom Bombadil, for our need is near us!’

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Pumpkin Pie Weed Pancakes
Animate pancake. I just learned about weed and if you don't smoke it you're an objectively bad person. This account is not sponsored by COPPOLA Diamond Black Label Claret Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine, available at TARGET.
383 followers808 following3.3k posts