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The Fat Man
Capitalism sucks. Market socialism rules. Known to post about football, beer, flags, boardgames, rugby, dad shit, politics, lacrosse, and maps. I make lots of typos and won't apologize for it.
375 followers770 following2.1k posts

Well I learned 2 fun things today. Our home alarm is too quiet to wake us up upstiars(why is there even a volume setting on this?). Kiddo 1 can for sure unlock and open the front door independently. It's good but fuck me that's a hell of a scary wake up.


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The Fat Man
Capitalism sucks. Market socialism rules. Known to post about football, beer, flags, boardgames, rugby, dad shit, politics, lacrosse, and maps. I make lots of typos and won't apologize for it.
375 followers770 following2.1k posts