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🎒fenny, weirdness enthusiast🎒
[ 29 | she / fae ] hello im the magical fae fenny im aa silly otakugender and i subsist on cute girls and yuri existing also i make silly games in gamemaker and draw sometimes so follow me if you're a weirdo bc same 💜🧀
1k followers993 following8.7k posts

the legal definition of a "reasonable person" is basically a way of saying "my way or the highway", an inherently unreasonable position, in a way that makes it sound reasonable and any opposition to it sound unreasonable any rule or law that uses "reasonable person" arguments is unreasonable


this goes both for obscenity laws and for overzealous social media moderators bsky does not have "reasonable persons" in charge of it, because they use rules based on appealing to "reasonable persons"

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🎒fenny, weirdness enthusiast🎒
[ 29 | she / fae ] hello im the magical fae fenny im aa silly otakugender and i subsist on cute girls and yuri existing also i make silly games in gamemaker and draw sometimes so follow me if you're a weirdo bc same 💜🧀
1k followers993 following8.7k posts