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Steve Bowler
25+ year Animation and Game Dev veteran Done putting where I work in my bio Sometimes makes cool stuff. AuDHD AF. “The Greatest Unreal Developer In The World™️” He/HISM
826 followers124 following7.1k posts

Gang don't worry it's cool this place is too weird for the FBI.

Reposted by Steve Bowler

Hello. I just joined this site and searched for a bunch of people I follow on a different site to also follow here! Please introduce me to the cool folks I have not connected to yet!


You probably follow half of these folks already but


I’m late to the party but any attacking move that closes distance to target has been called a Leap At because that's what everyone called them at Midway 🤷 Two player animations where one controls another by throwing were: Puppet animations I don't think we had any terms for ones that created range


This is why I installed my own racing brakes a few weeks ago. Hi, brakes shop? Do you install parts I already have? No? So you only install the cheap parts that warp with light use? And overcharge for them? Hello? Are you still there?


In like, the last two weeks of the project he over shared (SURPRISE) on a call that he had "been prescribed ADHD meds for the anxiety and they are working SO much better than the anxiety meds!" and I literally did the entire Iago bit right there with them on mute.

a cartoon character with a quote that says i think i 'm gonna have a heart attack and die .
a cartoon character with a quote that says i think i 'm gonna have a heart attack and die .

ALT: a cartoon character with a quote that says i think i 'm gonna have a heart attack and die .


Worked with an embedded producer from the film company on a project once and one day after another frustrating AF phone conference with them I said "that ADHD motherfucker NEEDS to get on some meds" and everyone looked at me like I was a monster. I laughed, "I have it. They have it. It's fine."

Reposted by Steve Bowler

nobody with money ever sees you manage something great on a tiny budget and says "wow imagine what they could do on a larger budget" anymore. they go "wow i wonder how much harder i could squeeze this creature before it dies"

Reposted by Steve Bowler

imo vr was fucked forever once oculus started funding games on condition of exclusivity and nobody else funded them at all valve could have quadrupled any such investment without the exclusivity and not felt it at all. maybe wouldn't have saved vr, but sure woulda helped

Reposted by Steve Bowler

wild how universally recognised it was that indies were the only ones doing interesting cool stuff with vr, in spite of the massive risks and tiny budgets, and how little investment that resulted in

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Steve Bowler
25+ year Animation and Game Dev veteran Done putting where I work in my bio Sometimes makes cool stuff. AuDHD AF. “The Greatest Unreal Developer In The World™️” He/HISM
826 followers124 following7.1k posts