I love books and art and trees. she/her. 🌈 Protect Trans Kids🏳️‍⚧️
107 followers94 following258 posts
Reposted by Virginia

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

Small sandwich-type sign on a French street. Arrow pointing to the left says "crêpes chocolats".  Arrow poining right reads "Monde cruel" (cruel world)
Reposted by Virginia

I wanted to bring to the skyline's attention the plight of writer Arundhati Roy who wrote a banger novel that won the Booker & has written & spoken politically in the decades sense. She's facing severe persecution in India.

India: author Arundhati Roy to be prosecuted over 2010 Kashmir remarks
India: author Arundhati Roy to be prosecuted over 2010 Kashmir remarks

Official from ruling BJP party allows action against Booker winner under controversial anti-terrorism law

Reposted by Virginia

Heat wave season reminder: one incident of severe heatstroke can cause an acute brain injury, as well as predispose you (generally temporarily) to getting heatstroke again. Do not push past early symptoms of heat exhaustion. Catch it as heat exhaustion, and avoid an ER visit for heatstroke.

Heat stroke

What to look for
High body temperature (103°F or higher)
Hot, red, dry, or damp skin
Fast, strong pulse
Losing consciousness (passing out)

What to do
Call 911 right away-heat stroke is a medical emergency
Move the person to a cooler place
Help lower the person's temperature with cool cloths or a cool bath
Do not give the person anything to drink
Heat exhaustion

What to look for
Heavy sweating
Cold, pale, and clammy skin
Fast, weak pulse
Nausea or vomiting
Muscle cramps
Tiredness or weakness
Fainting (passing out)
What to do
Move to a cool place
Loosen your clothes
Put cool, wet cloths on your body or take a cool bath
Sip water
Get medical help right away if:
You are throwing up
Your symptoms get worse
Your symptoms last longer than 1 hour
Reposted by Virginia
Reposted by Virginia

The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.


😂 perfection

Reposted by Virginia

Because threads still get goofy on bluesky, I'm going to start this with the link to an amazon wishlist & then explain more. 💗 Mr. Bree now teaches math & science at Alabama's LGBTQ+ charter school & could use help building his classroom:

Reposted by Virginia

Some wisdom from tumblr:

A tumblr post from user homonculus-argument:

Hey btw, if you're doing worldbuilding on something, and you're scared of writing unrealistic~ things into it out of fear that it'll sound lazy and ripped-out-of-your-ass, but you also don't want to do all the back-breaking research on coming up with depressingly boring, but practical and realistic solutions, have a rule:
Just give the thing two layers of explanation. One to explain the specific problem, and another one explaining the explanation. Have an example:
Plot hole 1: If the vampires can't stand daylight, why couldn't they just move around underground?
Solution 1: They can't go underground, the sewer system of the city is full of giant alligators who would eat them.
Well, that's a very quick and simple explanation, which sure opens up additional questions.
Continued: Well, that's a very quick and simple explanation, which sure opens up additional questions.
Plot hole 2: How and why the fuck are there alligators in the sewers? How do they survive, what do they eat down there when there's no vampires?
Solution 2: The nuns of the Underground
Monastery feed and take care of them as a part of their sacred duties.
It takes exactly two layers to create an illusion that every question has an answer - that it's just turtles all the way down. And if you're lucky, you might even find that the second question's answer loops right back into the first one, filling up the plot hole entirely:
Plot hole 3: Who the fuck are the sewer nuns and what's their point and purpose?
Solution 3: The sewer nuns live underground in order to feed the alligators, in order to make sure that the vampires don't try to move around via the sewer system.
I love books and art and trees. she/her. 🌈 Protect Trans Kids🏳️‍⚧️
107 followers94 following258 posts