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Greg Pak
Rhymes with "rock." Call your reps and GOTV. #DidThisToday Generative "A.I." is unethical trash. Comics writer, photographer. Darth Vader, Lawful, Lilo & Stitch, Planet Hulk, 35mm Love Letter. #BelieveInFilm He/him.
29.3k followers1.4k following10.1k posts

My last webcomic is finished, but I have a new one starting in about a week! Here's a link to the old, a few panels, and then a preview of the new: The first two images are by Michael Yakutis, and Kasey Quevedo, pros I hired for Genocide Man. The third image is my art.

The cover of chapter 12 of Genocide Man, showing three women fighting. One, an African woman, is obviously enhanced with clawed fingers.  One is Caucasian with blonde hair.  One is Asian, has combat armor and has a sword.  The Asian is the villain, and the smart money's on her.
Three panels of Zombie soldiers.  In the first two, the commander is moaning, and a very long translation of his moan is given.  In the third panel the soldiers are groaning back, and their groans are also translated.  The transcript tells the tale:

Jian Shi Sargeant: All right, you noodles, listen up! Today we will strike back against the wicked smoothskins and push into their lands to convert more of them to our way of life. We do this not just for vegeance, not just because it is our destiny, but for the glory of all our people. Each of you have the training, the drive, and most importantly the heart to face a world that hates and fears us and wants only the destruction of you and your families. Fight true, brave warriors, and I promise that you shall forever be remembered in myth and song!
Soldier: We're with you, Sargeant!
Soldier: For glory, home and country!
Soldier: Hit 'em hard! No mercy today!
Soldier: Braaaains.
Two-panel preview of my new comic, 'Captain Bedlam'.  It's a cartoony watercolor of a girl wearing red pirate garb with huge flaming fists.  She's saying, "I'm Captain Bedlam!  I like committing violence in ethically justifiable ways!  Huh, does that make me a superhero?"

I'm a comics writer!✨

Page 1 from the Tell Them Of Us story, Sower's Requiem, with the main character Nela walking through a golden field of wheat and ending with her boot prints on the soil. Art by Amalas Rosa.
Panel from House of Slay Season 2 story, Mx. Nomer, with fragment glimpses of the main character Naomi. Art by Dominic Bustamante.
Page from the comic E.R. (Enhanced Reality), art by JD Benefield.

Paul Axel - I've written some self-published stuff and anthology pieces you've likely never heard of, but that you would moderately enjoy. Certainly above average!

Paul Axel  Creator Profile - GlobalComix
Paul Axel Creator Profile - GlobalComix

I'm a teacher and writer based in Chicago! When I'm not doing either of those, I'm cooking and spending time with my lovely wife a...


VALLONO is a space-time fantasy following magic Crafter students journeying to the Castle Fold to heal a miscast spell

Two figures enter a veil of gold ginkgo branches
View of a giant gold ginkgo tree. Two figures with books rest underneath it, Arrill and Vallo. Some says “Made it!”
Two seated figures. Arrill: “What’s that?” Vallo: “This? My old practice cube.” Holds up a cube silhouetted.
A tumbled stack of books falls out of the cube. Arrill looks on holding their own star book. They go back to the book, tired saying: “So you could have carried everything yourself.”

Thanks for this!


Hi I'm Fell! I'm a comic artist/writer with a YA series currently out with Boom called S.I.R. ! A sapphic sports drama about the fine art of motorcycle jousting, inspired by shojo manga 🏍️⚔️✨


Awesome list, and thanks for opening the comments to more! I'm Bob, and I make Into the Smoke, a webcomic about a gay medium who binds himself to an evil spirit to help solve his murder. I also have a YA graphic novel coming out with Holiday House in a few years!

A cropped illustration. An androgynous young man with shoulder-length red hair and tattooed hands appears below a dark, smoky ghost, who caresses the man while inhaling his breath. Swirls and patterns surround them. Title: Into the Smoke. Tagline: A medium, an evil ghost, and a murder mystery
A comic panel. An androgynous man with shoulder-length red hair stands beside a large, burly ghost amid a crowd of rowdy, cheering football fans. The redhead claps primly as the ghost cheers beside him. Narration reads, “We’ve had barbecues, watched football games together. I don’t eat meat and I don’t understand sports, but I pushed myself for him.”
Two comic panels. Panel 1: A red-haired person grits his teeth as swirls of energy flow around him. Narration reads, "This feeling..." Panel 2: The person holds a gloved hand to his chest, his fingers tense and splayed. Narration reads, "I can't speak... I can barely breathe... It's like I've been impaled through the back and out my chest..."
A comic panel. An androgynous man with windswept shoulder-length red hair and tattooed hands draws a glowing, star-shaped sigil in the air with a lit lighter. He says, "But with my ritual, I give you a new beacon to follow."

I'm currently making a comic featuring some funny critters called Wayward. If you're a fan of sea-faring adventures and fantastical creatures, you can check it out here: It's coming back with a new episode starting October 1st and updates every Tuesday and Thursday!


Hello, I'm Robert Livingston. I'm a comic writer who's worked on indie and webcomics. My current work is TOM N ARTIE and KAIJU DAYZ. I've also dabbled in game writing via the indie game HERO.EXE.

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Greg Pak
Rhymes with "rock." Call your reps and GOTV. #DidThisToday Generative "A.I." is unethical trash. Comics writer, photographer. Darth Vader, Lawful, Lilo & Stitch, Planet Hulk, 35mm Love Letter. #BelieveInFilm He/him.
29.3k followers1.4k following10.1k posts