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Danielle Rivet, PhD 🐻🐻‍❄️
#PolarBears, sea ice, & human presence PhD @usask | #GrizzlyBear heart function MSc @WSUPullman | #KnockKnockWhosBear | Wildlife |Dog, cat, horse mom | she/her Kayaker. Runner. Hiker. Horseback rider. Coffee & craft beer.
451 followers376 following642 posts

Putting all that time and effort into something really stinks when you submit it and then just get ghosted and never hear back - and that's the accepted norm. Job applicants deserve to know if they haven't been selected.


I know sifting through hundreds of applications is a tedious process, and you can't possibly reply to every person all the time. But...crafting a well done job application (cover letter, resume/CV, writing samples, answering questions, etc.) takes a BUTT LOAD of time for each application.


This whole waiting for months and months with no contact for job applications is kind of silly. There's no one to call, no one to email, no way to check if the position has been filled or if things are just moving slowly. Like, at the very least, update the portal to show this.


I definitely understand the whole "only candidates who are selected to move on in the process will be contacted" thing. But if I have to make a government/state/provincial account to even submit an application, there should be a portal where I can check application status.


Thank you for playing #KnockKnockWhosBear with me this week. Come back on Tuesdays around lunch time for more bear ID challenges! Reminder: I do accept photos/videos for the game, and I credit all media used. Second reminder: I will be in Churchill in mid Oct-early Nov.


All of these signs point to polar bear! I will admit I cheated a bit and deliberately greyscaled the photo. The bear is actually white against the green and blue of the background in the real pic. But I thought it might add a bit to the challenge. This is definitely a polar bear.


And if you look VERY closely, you can just barely see the ridge of the ear in front of that right shoulder. The ears are small! The tail is relatively small (considering the size of the bear). The legs are thick. The feet are massive. And the bear is white, with no shoulder hump.


Another indicator is that tail. It does seem long, yes. But look how skinny or narrow it is. Polar bears have smaller tails in general because it's less surface area. This means they lose less heat that way - similar to why they have such small, round ears very close to the head.


I like to imagine brown bear feet are a bit dainty in their appearance. Polar bear feet are large, round/oblong in shape rather than looking distinctively foot-like, and are dinner plate sized. These feet definitely match those criteria.


But I do see pretty hefty, thick legs. Brown bears commonly have bulky legs like that, but so do polar bears. And considering the lack of a shoulder hump here, polar bear seems to fit better. Still unsure? Check out those paws. They are HUGE.

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Danielle Rivet, PhD 🐻🐻‍❄️
#PolarBears, sea ice, & human presence PhD @usask | #GrizzlyBear heart function MSc @WSUPullman | #KnockKnockWhosBear | Wildlife |Dog, cat, horse mom | she/her Kayaker. Runner. Hiker. Horseback rider. Coffee & craft beer.
451 followers376 following642 posts