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Hakai Magazine
An award-winning online magazine connecting you with stories about science and societies from coasts around the world. 🌊 (“HACK-eye")
1k followers87 following211 posts

"Moving slowly to avoid spooking the fish, I cleared a spot in the white film and steadied myself. The rainbow lingered for about five minutes. I shot until it disappeared and the school moved on. It was a lucky moment that I’ll never forget." By Shane Gross

One Great Shot: The Big Eye of the Storm | Hakai Magazine
One Great Shot: The Big Eye of the Storm | Hakai Magazine

A photographer chanced upon a pot-of-gold shot while snorkeling in Seychelles.


For decades, conservationists and Mexican authorities have attempted to save the vaquita by policing totoaba poaching. Now, a new type of totoaba fishing gear could be part of the vaquita's salvation. By Daniel Shailer.

The Poachers Who Could Save Mexico’s Vaquita | Hakai Magazine
The Poachers Who Could Save Mexico’s Vaquita | Hakai Magazine

Vaquita have long been collateral damage for Mexico’s totoaba fishers, but conservationists believe there’s a solution. The only hitch? It’s illegal.


In the summer of 2024, a female grizzly and two cubs showed up on the shores of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. They could possibly herald the coming of a grizzly population to the island, which hasn’t had the bears since the last ice age. 🐻 By Brian Payton.

When a She-Bear Swims Ashore | Hakai Magazine
When a She-Bear Swims Ashore | Hakai Magazine

One pioneering grizzly—and her two cubs—appear on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.


Can whales communicate with each over long distances? New observations of two bowhead whales synchronizing dive schedules whenever they were within earshot of each other is compelling evidence. By Joanna Thompson.

Whales May Be Communicating Across Vast Distances | Hakai Magazine
Whales May Be Communicating Across Vast Distances | Hakai Magazine

Researchers have long suspected that bowhead whales keep in touch from far away. New evidence of synchronized diving between two whales 100 kilometers apart supports the theory.


In a new study, a team of ecologists estimated that almost 200,000 individual birds are caught and killed in European waters annually. Gillnetting and longlining were the most deadly practices. By Rebecca Heisman

In Graphic Detail: By-caught Birds | Hakai Magazine
In Graphic Detail: By-caught Birds | Hakai Magazine

New research estimates that some 200,000 birds are accidentally caught in fishing gear in Europe each year.


Wildlife bridges are catching on in terrestrial conservation. Does the idea need to be imported to the sea? By Jack McGovan.

Do Marine Animals Need Wildlife Bridges, Too? | Hakai Magazine
Do Marine Animals Need Wildlife Bridges, Too? | Hakai Magazine

Human infrastructure can hinder the mobility of marine animals.

Reposted by Hakai Magazine

It seems intuitive to think that fish and other marine animals could easily bypass any barrier around which they could swim—but that assumption is wrong, according to new research. Fun little story from me today in 🧪🌍

Do Marine Animals Need Wildlife Bridges, Too? | Hakai Magazine
Do Marine Animals Need Wildlife Bridges, Too? | Hakai Magazine

Human infrastructure can hinder the mobility of marine animals.

Reposted by Hakai Magazine

Experts estimate that a ginormous 1.6 million tonnes of conventional munitions & another 5,000 tonnes of chemical weapons lie decomposing off Germany alone in the North and Baltic Seas, most from the 2nd World War. Must-read

The Big Baltic Bomb Cleanup | Hakai Magazine
The Big Baltic Bomb Cleanup | Hakai Magazine

The ocean became a dumping ground for weapons after Allied forces defeated the Nazis. Now a team of robots and divers are making the Baltic Sea safer.

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Hakai Magazine
An award-winning online magazine connecting you with stories about science and societies from coasts around the world. 🌊 (“HACK-eye")
1k followers87 following211 posts