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Slartibartfast Kilpatrick
Yep, it's me. Back again. Still in Aotearoa, tragic, beyond middle-aged and dog-tired but ready to make this world a little worse with my poetry, writing and pottery. No Nazis/TERFS etc. Plant based. Green, pretty far left.
267 followers772 following272 posts

It's completely defeatist, but it feels like blatantly corrupt behaviour, anti-intellectualism, anti-science, anti-people, anti-equity, pro-racism, pro-widening the gap between rich and poor 'society' we are living in is only going to get worse.

'Most benefit' of government's tobacco tax cuts will go to tobacco company Philip Morris, officials told Casey Costello
'Most benefit' of government's tobacco tax cuts will go to tobacco company Philip Morris, officials told Casey Costello

Despite a long list of problems identified by officials, Casey Costello claimed she had got her own "independent" advice.


I think it's the clearest example of this govt's ethics and morals that Costello, and multiple others, haven't been forced to resign over a clear and known conflict of interests.


Some of us may die, but its a price Winston is willing to pay for free darts


Unlike the US with its political and corrupt voting system that embeds people who'd never win a popular vote, we have an electoral system with integrity The next election will tell us whether corruption is what a plurality of AoNZ voters want. I wish I was confident they'd reject it.

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Slartibartfast Kilpatrick
Yep, it's me. Back again. Still in Aotearoa, tragic, beyond middle-aged and dog-tired but ready to make this world a little worse with my poetry, writing and pottery. No Nazis/TERFS etc. Plant based. Green, pretty far left.
267 followers772 following272 posts