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Frank Hecker
Resident of Howard County, Maryland, systems engineer, and occasional blogger. Staff writer for Okazu. Author of the book That Type of Girl: Notes on Takako Shimura's Sweet Blue Flowers.
69 followers67 following203 posts

The social implications: VR and even AR computing is inherently isolating: one is either totally cut off from the physical world (classic VR), or one person's picture of the "world" is not necessarily the same as another person's (VR, but AR as well). 4/

A picture of three men using virtual reality headsets that cover their faces. They are holding gun-like devices that they can point to various places in a room with green-screen walls.

In contrast Dynamicland is inherently a social experience at least for those present in the same space: everything is laid out on the table or walls or whatever and everyone has the same view of things (assuming of course typical physical capabilities - issues of accessibility are still relevant) 5/

A photograph of four people sitting or lying on the floor, gathered around a set of Dynamicland programming cards and projected images, working together on a common project.
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Frank Hecker
Resident of Howard County, Maryland, systems engineer, and occasional blogger. Staff writer for Okazu. Author of the book That Type of Girl: Notes on Takako Shimura's Sweet Blue Flowers.
69 followers67 following203 posts