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Heiner Salomon
Doctoral researcher at the research cluster for Global Social Policy Dynamics at Bremen University. Interested in quantitative social sciences, social protection, anti-racist and climate activism and cycling (not necessarily in that order).
247 followers528 following259 posts
Reposted by Heiner Salomon

Well, here it is: a feed that will include any post (in German or English) that includes a DVPW mention. Should be quite flexible, e.g., DVPW, DVPW2024, DVPW 2024, hashtags, etc.

Reposted by Heiner Salomon

Ausschreibung fĂŒr eine unbefristete Postdoc Stelle (8SWS u.a. in der quantitativen Methodenausbildung) an meinem Arbeitsbereich. Deadline fĂŒr Bewerbungen ist 14. Oktober

Reposted by Heiner Salomon

Our new paper shows that men benefit from couples' long-distance joint moves more than women do, in both Germany and Sweden. Is this just b/c men are usually the main breadwinner? No, it's hard to explain the patterns we see w/o a gender norm prioritizing men's careers.

Moving to Opportunity, Together

Many couples face a trade-off between advancing one spouse’s career or the other’s. We study this trade-off using administrative data from Germany and Sweden. We first conduct an event-study analysis of couples moving across commuting zones and find that relocation increases men’s earnings more than women’s, with strikingly similar patterns in Germany and Sweden. Using a sample of mass layoff events, we then find that couples in both countries are more likely to relocate in response to the man being laid off compared to the woman. We investigate whether these gendered patterns reflect men’s higher potential earnings or a gender norm that prioritizes men’s career advancement. We provide suggestive evidence of a gender norm using variation in norms within Germany. We then develop and estimate a model of household decision-making in which households can place more weight on the income earned by the man compared to the woman.
Reposted by Heiner Salomon

This is great by two simple ways the uk can fight illicit finance by just publishing data.

Reposted by Heiner Salomon

Die AfD liegt bei 30% und wir mĂŒssen froh sein, dass die SPD knapp drĂŒber liegt. In was fĂŒr beschissenen Zeiten leben wir eigentlich?

Reposted by Heiner Salomon

„Die oder ich!“ ist keine gute Strategie im Umgang mit der AfD. Sie mag kurzfristig zum Erfolg fĂŒhren. Langfristig stĂ€rkt sie den rechten Rand, weil sie ihn zum einzigen politischen Gegenentwurf erhebt. Und andere demokratische Parteien platt macht. Nicht nur in Brandenburg.

Reposted by Heiner Salomon

Jeder dritte Polizist hat binnen eines Jahres rassistische Äußerungen von Kollegen mitbekommen. 40 Prozent der Polizisten haben binnen eines Jahres sexistische Bemerkungen von Kollegen mitbekommen. 42 Prozent der Befragten lehnen Asylsuchende ab. 17 Prozent sind muslimfeindlich. EinzelfĂ€lle.

Studie des Bundesinnenministeriums: Rund jeder dritte Polizist erlebt im Dienst Rassismus von Kollegen
Studie des Bundesinnenministeriums: Rund jeder dritte Polizist erlebt im Dienst Rassismus von Kollegen

Sexismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit: Fast 33 Prozent der befragten Polizisten haben im Dienst laut einer Studie rassistische Äußerungen anderer Beamter mitbekommen.


Absolut. Bei einigen dieser Positionen passt wirklich kein Blatt zwischen BSW und AfD.


HĂ€tte *Sahra Wagenknecht heißen sollen.

Reposted by Heiner Salomon

Myanmar Junta forces, taking hostages, using them as human shields, then killing them after brutalising them and then dressing them up to look like combatants. One incident showing a whole swathe of the Junta's abuses & crimes... and it's definitely not an isolated incident, it's widespread.

Eight killed in Myanmar junta raid on village near Shwebo in Sagaing Region
Eight killed in Myanmar junta raid on village near Shwebo in Sagaing Region

Six of the victims were hostages who had been brutally tortured before being killed, according to locals who saw their bodies

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Heiner Salomon
Doctoral researcher at the research cluster for Global Social Policy Dynamics at Bremen University. Interested in quantitative social sciences, social protection, anti-racist and climate activism and cycling (not necessarily in that order).
247 followers528 following259 posts