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Peter H. Coffin
Approximately 43°N, 88°W. I vibe sailing, aviation, cookery, cocktails, cats, cartoons, and ancient computer languages. But none of that is who I am. (he/him) Signal: hellsop.13
215 followers287 following3.3k posts

I can certainly imagine some inspector demanding that this happen because it's written right here in this code that warehouse areas need water sprinklers.


Like, you lost 10% of the label weight going from the $5 chicken to the $6 chicken, but spent 20% more money. How is that a savings? No-water chicken costs you almost twice as much money, but you get "no GMO" and "organic" printed on the label for free.


Even the Hummer runs away with 30 amps, much less the 40 available from the absolutely boring EVSE manufacturers have been giving with purchase and 9.6kw they provide. 10/10


Only got an 6 hour off-peak window you're home for? Add 40% to your power draw and you're meeting the window. For EQ, that's 2.25kw, or just under 10 amps, as we're right back to "the smallest EVSE you can practically buy still meets your need". 9/10


Don't even worry about the EQ and most other passenger EVs; you're going to be done charging before 2 AM most nights. 8/10


EQ wants 1.6KW charging then, Silverado 2.5, and Hummer 5.0. A Hummer needs 20.8 amps of Level 2 to keep up with your driving, and 24 amp EVSE is enough. A Silverado can make do with 12, which is basically as small an EVSE as you can buy. 7/10


How long are you home and plugged in? 12 hours per night? 10? 8? This includes your weird short nights so if it's usually 12 but 8 some Saturday nights before early church or something, use 12. For our examples, let's take 10 because it makes the math stupidly easy. 6/10


Mathing that out for actual power and Equinoxes need 16kwh overnight, Silverado needs about 25, Hummer needs 50. 5/10


If you drive 15,000 miles per year (dead typical), you need 43 miles per day. Add a few to make sure a couple of longer days aren't a big deal, and aim for 50. Ballpark 3 miles per kwh for Equinox/Blazer/Lyriq/Optiq/etc, 2 miles for Silverado, 1 for Hummer. 4/10

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Peter H. Coffin
Approximately 43°N, 88°W. I vibe sailing, aviation, cookery, cocktails, cats, cartoons, and ancient computer languages. But none of that is who I am. (he/him) Signal: hellsop.13
215 followers287 following3.3k posts