Richard Higgs
Lecturer: Digital Curation. Aggressively pro-science, anti-misinformation. Arts, history, nature, literature, philosophy, education. Autistic self-advocate. EdTech sceptic. #DigitalHumanitiesAfrica
50 followers344 following21 posts
Reposted by Richard Higgs

Really interesting article on the slow death of

Reposted by Richard Higgs

What do crustaceans and fluorite have in common? Sometimes they fluoresce! During fossilisation, these shrimp and crayfish exoskeletons were converted into apatite, which fluoresces in UV. I like to think of them as honorary #minerals#FossilFriday#fossils#invertober#nature#museums 🧪⚒️

A limestone slab containing a shrimp fossil. It's illuminated with UV light so the limestone appears violet and the fossil is glowing a pale yellow colour. On display in the Bürgermeister-Müller-Museum in Solnhofen, Germany.
A limestone slab containing a crayfish fossil. It's illuminated with UV light so the limestone appears violet and the fossil is glowing a pale yellow colour. On display in the Bürgermeister-Müller-Museum in Solnhofen, Germany.
Small, translucent, dark green fluorite in an open plastic box with a hinged lid. The fluorite shows twinning so it looks like two interlocking cubes. Specimen is from Rogerley Mine, County Durham, England. From the Natural History Museum, London's collection.
The same fluorite crystal under UV light. It is fluorescing strong and now has a strong, blue glow. Specimen is from Rogerley Mine, County Durham, England. From the Natural History Museum, London's Collection
Reposted by Richard Higgs

Piet Mondrian, Trafalgar Square, 1939-43

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William A. M. Burden

Yep. Thrilled for them, but a bit of Lucian Freud, Francis Bacon, Louise Bourgeois, Basquiat... wouldn't go amiss.


Since #design is obviously a thing here, may as well join the hordes. My design for 'Twelfth Night', Masque Theatre, Cape Town, 2023. Plan, execution.

Set design for a production of 'Twelfth Night'. Setting is a Weimar Republic-style nightclub, dominated by an Art Deco light wall as the backdrop of the set.
Reposted by Richard Higgs

If you want to find your followers and follows from The Site That Shall Not Be Named, there is an app for that: Here's a chrome extension that will let you - find people you follow there here - find your followers from there - move your block list over

Sky Follower Bridge - Chrome Web Store
Sky Follower Bridge - Chrome Web Store

Instantly find and follow the same users from your Twitter follows on Bluesky.


If you want to find your followers and follows from The Site That Shall Not Be Named, there is an app for that: Here's a chrome extension that will let you - find people you follow there here - find your followers from there - move your block list over

Sky Follower Bridge - Chrome Web Store
Sky Follower Bridge - Chrome Web Store

Instantly find and follow the same users from your Twitter follows on Bluesky.

Reposted by Richard Higgs

Reposted by Richard Higgs

Generative KI bietet Chancen, birgt aber auch Risiken wie Verzerrungen, fehlende Transparenz und die Gefahr von Manipulation. Es braucht klare Regulierung und eine öffentliche Debatte, um sicherzustellen, dass KI der Gesellschaft dient. #KI#Ethik#Regulierung#GenerativeKI […]


Master grifters. McCullough has it down to a fine art. Charlatan.

Richard Higgs
Lecturer: Digital Curation. Aggressively pro-science, anti-misinformation. Arts, history, nature, literature, philosophy, education. Autistic self-advocate. EdTech sceptic. #DigitalHumanitiesAfrica
50 followers344 following21 posts