Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹
I am, indeed, a blacksmith. I cannot do commissions until I find a forge in Denmark | he/him
382 followers533 following2.3k posts
Reposted by Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹

👏 “A lot of nature conservation is a long game. You plant a tree, you're not going to in your lifetime see that it reached its full potential. But within three months of that river being re-wiggled the salmon were spawning in that one kilometre stretch for the first time in over 150 years”

How restoring rivers' natural curves can prevent flooding
How restoring rivers' natural curves can prevent flooding

For centuries meandering rivers have been straightened – but experts say restoring their natural bends and curves can prevent flooding and create healthy habitats for wildlife.


imma be real with you, even his parents where giving him pity Cs. I think he's in prison now? He was a nazi, but probably the dumbest one of the 2015/2016 crop


this is so neat

Reposted by Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹

Have a good Sunday everyone. #birds

Reposted by Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹

this thread tho

i don't understand this economy when nursing homes are so expensive they bankrupt our grandparents but nursing home aides need to use food banks.

daycare is so expensive it eats up one parent's entire paycheck and yet daycare providers only make $10/hr and need second jobs.
Reposted by Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹

A great blue I saw by the river south of Irving a couple years ago but somehow never posted 🪶

A great blue heron standing on rocks next to a river. In profile in a neck folded pose
A great blue heron standing on rocks next to a river. Now doing a hunchier pose with a low head and neck and the feathers on its head are standing straight up in a very mohawk manner.
A great blue heron standing on rocks next to a river. Standing up straight. Doing a tall.
Reposted by Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹

they have to say "single issue voters" because "those unwilling to vote for genocide" gives the game away

Reposted by Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹

I am in awe of the craftiness of the NYT reporter who pitched her editor on spending the paper’s money to have her travel like Eric Adams so she could describe the experience to readers. (If the story was actually an editor’s idea, I want to write for that editor!)

Lie-flat Seats and Chilled Champagne: Testing Eric Adams’s Upgrade Life
Lie-flat Seats and Chilled Champagne: Testing Eric Adams’s Upgrade Life

The New York mayor is accused of accepting free luxury travel in exchange for political favors. How large was he living? A writer puts the experience to the test.

Reposted by Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹

Positive photo day 1657: Another wet morning walk, but amid raindrops and early Autumn leaves, the Great Blue Heron remained on watch. #birds of the Bronx 🪶

Himbo Blacksmith🇿🇦🇮🇹
I am, indeed, a blacksmith. I cannot do commissions until I find a forge in Denmark | he/him
382 followers533 following2.3k posts