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HITS - Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
Est. 2010 by physicist & SAP co-founder Klaus Tschira & Klaus Tschira Foundation as a private, non-profit research institute. Basic research in natural, mathematical, and computer sciences. Application areas range from molecular biology to astrophysics.
83 followers61 following85 posts

Wenn Mathematik und Medizin zusammenarbeiten: Digitale Zwillinge fßr Neugeborene HITS-Wissenschaftlerin Elaine Zaunseder im Interview mit dem SWR >> Wissen zu ihrer Forschung ßber Stoffwechselerkrankungen bei Säuglingen.

Digitale Zwillinge fĂźr Neugeborene entwickelt
Digitale Zwillinge fĂźr Neugeborene entwickelt

Digitale Zwillinge kĂśnnten in Zukunft bei der Behandlung von Krankheiten helfen. Jetzt wurde ein digitales Abbild fĂźr Neugeborene entwickelt.


New month, new calendar page! This time with a fluffy fellow. Here and there you can spot squirrels in the HITS garden, spying out the land for a good storage place for nuts which they will hopefully find again during the winter months. Happy July! 🐿️

Reposted by HITS - Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies

My Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium, “An Emerging Consensus on White Dwarf Supernovae” is now available to view on YouTube.… @hitsters.bsky.socil

An image of the old bridge over the Neckar River in Heidelberg, Germany, with the text “Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium.”

Excited to see who will win the UEFA European Football Championship 2024? ⚽🏆 HITS group leader Alexandros Stamatakis and his team at ICS-FORTH made a prediction for the UEFA EURO 2024 elimination round. The estimate is based on this paper: May the best team win! 👍


Enthusiastic about interfacing galaxy formation with precision cosmology? Then listen to our HITS Colloquium with Volker Springel (MPA) which is now available on our YouTube channel.

HITS Colloquium: Volker Springel on galaxies and cosmology
HITS Colloquium: Volker Springel on galaxies and cosmology

Interfacing galaxy formation with precision cosmology.HITS Colloquium by HITS Fellow Volker Springel, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, German...


Forschende von Uniklinikum Heidelberg, Universität Heidelberg, University of Galway und HITS haben die gesundheitliche Entwicklung von Säuglingen fßr den gesamten Stoffwechsel simuliert, um ein besseres Verständnis von seltenen Stoffwechselerkrankungen zu erlangen.

Neu: Digitale Zwillinge fĂźr Neugeborene - HITS gGmbH
Neu: Digitale Zwillinge fĂźr Neugeborene - HITS gGmbH

Forschende der Universität Heidelberg, des HITS und der Universität Galway, Irland, haben erstmals die gesundheitliche Entwicklung von Säuglingen ...


We thank former colleague and HITS fellow Volker Springel (MPA) for a splendid colloquium talk at HITS today. He spoke about cosmological simulations and galaxy formation. The video of the talk will soon be available on our YouTube channel - Stay tuned!


Don't miss today's HITS Colloquium with Volker Springel (MPA) on “Interfacing galaxy formation with precision cosmology” at 2 pm CET. Send an email to for on-site participation or register here to join via Zoom.


From learnings and personal growth to new beginnings - an interview worth reading. The Computational Carbon Chemistry Group, with Anya Gryn’ova, Anna Piras and Christopher Ehlert, says good-bye. Read the interview now on our SciLogs – Via Data Blog:

“What we’ve learned along the way”: The Computational Carbon Chemistry Group says good-bye…
“What we’ve learned along the way”: The Computational Carbon Chemistry Group says good-bye…

Jim Gray is one of the smaller meeting rooms at HITS, where all seminar rooms are named after renowned researchers and pioneers in the computer sciences, and it is with mixed feelings that I am…

Reposted by HITS - Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
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HITS - Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
Est. 2010 by physicist & SAP co-founder Klaus Tschira & Klaus Tschira Foundation as a private, non-profit research institute. Basic research in natural, mathematical, and computer sciences. Application areas range from molecular biology to astrophysics.
83 followers61 following85 posts