A nice ground cover
Some people suspect people without profile info. But I'm just here to read some great posts, & sometimes reply. I don't really have content. (Confidential to HRJ: I didn't mean for you to make a strapless silk evening gown!)
5 followers36 following385 posts
Reposted by A nice ground cover

She seized the memes of projection

Reposted by A nice ground cover

he calls her a marxist but she's not the one getting publicly owned

Reposted by A nice ground cover

Cartoon break: Penguins! Except they're Star Trek: TOS. Enjoy :)

four cartoon penguins as various ST: TOS characters
one space hippy, one Kirk, one redshirt, one Korob
Reposted by A nice ground cover

⚘️🌱🌾🌴🌿🌍🧪🌶 Few people eat whole raw hot chilli peppers (Capsicum species), but look at this bird! Chilli peppers have evolved so birds distribute their seeds. Birds lack receptors for the capsaicin that gives the heat and pain sensation to people. #BUC2024

Structural diagram of capsaicin,  chemical in chilli peppers that humans perceive as hot and painful. Picture of a bird eating whole chilli peppers.
Reposted by A nice ground cover


Background: from a window above a foggy courtyard, a voice says "oOoOoOoOoO...". A foreground sign says: "Leave your boss! Haunt your own vent!" and "Franchises available ... remote workers welcome... annoy annoying people."
Reposted by A nice ground cover

A Mayan scribe (right) and his instructor (left) – the dots and lines between them form an early speech-bubble, and it's thought the glyphs refer to sloppy work. So here we have a 1,500yo cartoon of a writer getting a bollocking from his boss! #Writing#AncientScripts#History

A Mayan vase, thought to be from 500-900 CE. It is mostly light brown, with darker brown strips at the top and bottom. The middle of the image shows a cartoon-like charcoal-coloured line-drawing of two kneeling men (a student scribe on the right, and his instructor on the left) facing each other over what we can assume to be some writing. The instructor looks narked, and the scribe looks a bit dismayed!

Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy. When I was very young, the Mercury program was doing well, but development of Gemini was over budget and running late.

Reposted by A nice ground cover

how I feel reading any of 's paladin novels

a meme with a caption on it that says "when the slow burn is taking too long to burn."

The image inside the meme has two people standing next to each other, one of them is pointing a pistol at an unseen person off camera. close captioning on the image says "kiss each other on the mouth"
Reposted by A nice ground cover

'The statue of the mythological “crab man”, Lang Ñam in the Peruvian city of Chiclayo'

a large statue of a muscular man he is part crab.
A nice ground cover
Some people suspect people without profile info. But I'm just here to read some great posts, & sometimes reply. I don't really have content. (Confidential to HRJ: I didn't mean for you to make a strapless silk evening gown!)
5 followers36 following385 posts