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Universal understandable to English speakers from elsewhere (who have their own dialects). It may well be true that any one dialect lacks a particular expression or turn of phrase that would make it the optimum for a given situation, but in terms of universal communication with other English...


Well firstly, language my dear, watch your language. Secondly, if they purpose of language is to clearly and accurately to communicate your thoughts to others, and often to as many others as possible, then there will be better versions / dialects of a language. And the Dutch version is more...


They speak with a more universally understood vocabulary and fewer slang or regionally unique words. They seem to have read classic literature in English. They also do not seem to make common mistakes I observed Americans making routinely, e.g. 'I could care less' or 'I'm doing good'.

As an English person that has lived in, and travelled extensively in the US and also visited the Netherlands countless times; I can confirm that the Dutch generally speak better English than north Americans. They have a clearer understanding and adherence to the grammatical rules of the language....


How long did the update take? Oh, right, there isn't an available tool to measure that


Now is absolutely not the time to be talking about gun control. Thoughts and prayers people. Thoughts and prayers


I have a joke about bovine spongiform encephalopathy, but people don't seem to find it a-moo-sing

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What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.


Ed Balls

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