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Huw Price
Australian philosopher. Lately Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Bonn. Emeritus Bertrand Russell Professor & Emeritus Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge. More:
754 followers608 following123 posts

Yes, Nabokov’s claim is only to the smiley. This author thinks he would have disapproved of Wittgenstein’s. “Nabokov was not coarse enough to imagine that his sly supine smirk should have eyes (how barbaric) or a nose (puerile)” :-)

Of course Vladimir Nabokov imagined emoticons over a decade before they were invented.
Of course Vladimir Nabokov imagined emoticons over a decade before they were invented.

The emoticon was invented on September 19, 1982, by Dr. Scott Fahlman, a professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh. He and his colleagues were looking for a solutio…


‘We’? Wasn’t it Nabokov?


When Sir Arthur Eddington was asked by a journalist whether it was true that only three people in the world understood Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, he thought for a moment and said, “I don’t know who the third one might be”.


“How does it come about that this arrow >>>––> points? Doesn’t it seem to carry in it something besides itself? … The arrow only points in the application that a living being makes of it.” #philsky#haneda#wittgenstein

Picture of a sign with arrows, with a second arrow added to show where the first is pointing.

“Show me the logical form of this” #philsky#sraffa

Reposted by Huw Price

Conference program for "Pragmatism & The Philosophy of Science" Sept 27-29 @ Western (Ontario) University is up! Speakers incl

Sept 27:
09:00	Breakfast and Coffee; Introduction and conference kick-off
09:30	Invited Talk by Ken Waters – Pursuing Metaphysics by Examining Successful Investigative Practices
10:30	Contributed talk by Tushar Menon – Scientific realism as a normative notion (twice over)
11:00	Coffee break
11:30	Invited talk by Holly Andersen – Measuring Modality
12:30	Lunch (TBD, WIRB 4190)
02:00	Contributed talk by Armond Duwell – Problems and Possibilities: A Pragmatic Account of Scientific Understanding
02:30	Contributed talk by Nickolas Boylan – Why Truth Matters
03:00	Contributed talk by Kabir Singh Bakshi – Scientific Progress, Zetetic Epistemology, and Lessons from Pragmatist Philosophy of Science
03:30	Coffee break
04:00	Invited talk by Alisa Bokulich – The Geodetic & Metrological Roots of C.S. Peirce’s Pragmatism
05:00	End of day 1 of the conference
Sept 28:
09:00	Breakfast and Coffee
09:30	Invited talk by Huw Price – Sidestepping the Rhinoceros – Copernicus, Pragmatism and Quantum Entanglement
10:30	Contributed talk by Patrick Fraser – Knowledge-How and the Semantics of Physical Theories
11:00	Coffee break
11:30	Contributed talk by Margrette Gress – How Standpoint Can Matter In Physics
12:00	Lunch & Poster Session (TBD, WIRB 4190)
02:30	Invited talk by Carlo Rovelli – The Two Thermodynamic Roots of Causation:  A Lesson from Pragmatism
03:30	Coffee break
04:00	Contributed talk by Jason DeWitt – Causal Pragmatism without Causal Perspectivalism
04:30	Contributed talk by Shimin Zhao – Why we need the notion of probabilistic causation: a functional perspective
05:00	Invited talk by Jim Woodward – Structural Realism and the Dependency Account of Explanation
06:00	End of day 2
Sept 29:
09:00	Breakfast and Coffee
09:30	Contributed talk by John Dougherty – Pragmatism and the interpretation of physical theories
10:00	Contributed talk by Pascal Rodriguez Warnier – Resource theories and the pragmatist tradition (with a study case)
10:30	Coffee break
11:00	Invited Talk by Laura Ruetsche – That’s Entertainment:  Pragmatism and the Interpretation of Physical Theory
12:00	Lunch (TBD, WIRB 4190)
02:00	End of the PPS conference

I met a Cambridge urologist once, who told me about Whewellite when he learned I was a Fellow of Trinity. I almost organised a College visit for him and his urology colleagues. But if he was a typical case, they don’t know how to pronounce ‘Whewell’. #HPS#histsci


Hopefully something a bit more concentrated than On What Matters!

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Huw Price
Australian philosopher. Lately Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Bonn. Emeritus Bertrand Russell Professor & Emeritus Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge. More:
754 followers608 following123 posts