Every future imagined by a tech company is worse than the previous iteration…or something like that.
6.2k followers603 following5k posts
Reposted by Hypervisible

AI tutors are imaginary tech built on pseudo-psychological simplifications of debunked psychological statistical effects, glossed with entrepreneurial confidence and masses of investor speculation 4/

Reposted by Hypervisible

There's a big problem with Altman's working out here. The statistical effect for 1:1 tutoring is 30+ years old, only applied to two contexts with small samples, referred to *human tutoring* not AI tutors, and - the kicker - *has never been replicated* 3/

Two-Sigma Tutoring: Separating Science Fiction from Science Fact
Two-Sigma Tutoring: Separating Science Fiction from Science Fact

An experimental intervention in the 1980s raised certain test scores by two standard deviations. It wasn’t just tutoring, and it’s never been replicated, but it continues to inspire.

Reposted by Hypervisible

Altman has said similar "visionary" things about AI tutors before, claiming that the "difference between classroom education and one-on-one tutoring is like two standard deviations – unbelievable difference" as the evidentiary basis for AI being better than actual teachers 2/

Why OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is excited about the future of education
Why OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is excited about the future of education

Of all the ways artificial intelligence can transform a vast range of sectors, the entrepreneur behind ChatGPT is most excited about its potential to change education.

Reposted by Hypervisible

When Sam Altman expresses views about the future of education and the role of AI in it - as he did this week in his very silly "Age of Intelligence" post - I think it's important to realize he is absolutely full of shit 1/

t won’t happen all at once, but we’ll soon be able to work with AI that helps us accomplish much more than we ever could without AI; eventually we can each have a personal AI team, full of virtual experts in different areas, working together to create almost anything we can imagine. Our children will have virtual tutors who can provide personalized instruction in any subject, in any language, and at whatever pace they need. We can imagine similar ideas for better healthcare, the ability to create any kind of software someone can imagine, and much more.
Reposted by Hypervisible

“Harari is Silicon Valley’s ideal of what a chatbot should be. He raids libraries, detects the patterns, and boils all of history down to bullet points… He mines other writers for material… Harari doesn’t acknowledge any intellectual influences beyond his business relationships.”

Yuval Noah Harari’s Apocalyptic Vision
Yuval Noah Harari’s Apocalyptic Vision

His warning of AI’s dangers is alarming, but does it help us avoid them?

Reposted by Hypervisible

It's funny how Facebook doesn't have any ideas that aren't "soon everybody will buy expensive new hardware in order to put us in charge of every aspect of their lives".


Thank you!

Reposted by Hypervisible

These machine learning models require so much energy consumption that they’re reviving coal-powered plants.


“…for decades researchers and companies have oversold the potential of AI to deliver blockbuster medicines, achieve super intelligence, and free humanity from the need to work. To be fair, there have been significant advances, but nothing on the order of what’s been hyped.”

Sorry, AI won’t “fix” climate change
Sorry, AI won’t “fix” climate change

OpenAI’s Sam Altman claims AI will deliver an "Intelligence Age," but tech breakthroughs alone can't solve global warming.

Every future imagined by a tech company is worse than the previous iteration…or something like that.
6.2k followers603 following5k posts