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Joseph Howley
I’m an Associate Professor of Classics at Columbia University. I teach and study Latin, Roman stuff, book history stuff, and I’m involved in our gen-ed literature course, Literature Humanities. Be cool
1.7k followers484 following1.2k posts

You’re going to need a specialist

A “no” sign with a red circle and line through an outline of a person running with fish under their arm
Reposted by Joseph Howley

Student mobilization around Gaza was countered by (a) large donor mobilization against the students and (b) targeted congressional hearings. The modern American university system, after decades of defunding higher ed, is MUCH more attuned to the will of Bill Ackman et al than of the student body.

Reposted by Joseph Howley

So the Southeastern Medieval Association just canceled its 2024 conference due to the ongoing impacts of Hurricane Helene. The theme was… climate #medievalsky

Email from organizers

A while back I was working on the history of book-burning and the most disturbing things I learned had to with the role of nazi student organizations in the early 30s

Reposted by Joseph Howley

There's an entire well-funded, in-broad-daylight industry devoted to harassing and stalking and ruining the careers of college professors and most of our media just look and go "no there's not"

Reposted by Joseph Howley

“I wasn’t fired for anything I said in the classroom. I was fired because of a charge brought by a student I had never met, let alone taught, who had been surveying my social media account for months.”

Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post
Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post

Pennsylvania’s Muhlenberg College may have become the first institution since Oct. 7 to oust a tenured faculty member for such statements, though the professor is appealing the decision and still rece...

Reposted by Joseph Howley

Update: I have received a subjectless email from millionaire UMD donor, and owner of the Atlanta Hawks, Bruce Levenson, who objects to my description of him as a cranky Facebook uncle just bc he writes angry letters to faculty, with their bosses CC'ed, and then forwards them news clips for months.

Reposted by Joseph Howley

I'm in the Baltimore Sun today writing for UMD's students and teachers and against the culture of fear administrators have imposed not just on protestors, but on everyone.

UMD should not fear its students and teachers | GUEST COMMENTARY
UMD should not fear its students and teachers | GUEST COMMENTARY

Our schools should run on facts, not fear.

Reposted by Joseph Howley

As wrote in an X thread, it's evident from the Atlantic piece on Israel sabotaging the hostage release, that Americans in general and US Jews particularly refuse to come to terms with the depravity of the Kahanist regime, and how entrenched it is. It doesn't sink in.

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Joseph Howley
I’m an Associate Professor of Classics at Columbia University. I teach and study Latin, Roman stuff, book history stuff, and I’m involved in our gen-ed literature course, Literature Humanities. Be cool
1.7k followers484 following1.2k posts