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Weird Alex
Gorgon girl, walking step by step into the deep dark woods (By which I mean she, her, tran-about-town [by which I mean trans and polyam and bisexual]) 🔞 Minors DNI .silverglass on discord You can read my book for free:
553 followers639 following5.5k posts

When someone says "hey here's a thing that really works for me!" And that's the start of the conversation, the first post, I need you to understand how profoundly self-centred it is to add a little self-deprecating comment about how it wouldn't work for you due to one of your many personal failings


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Weird Alex
Gorgon girl, walking step by step into the deep dark woods (By which I mean she, her, tran-about-town [by which I mean trans and polyam and bisexual]) 🔞 Minors DNI .silverglass on discord You can read my book for free:
553 followers639 following5.5k posts