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Jacqueline Antonovich
Historian of medicine, gender, & politics in the American West. Creator & Executive Editor Emerita, @nursingclio. She/Her/Hers
3.9k followers719 following4.5k posts

“Most people don’t know what the hell a phone app is” — former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump


Last bouquet of the year

A gold vase with dahlias and zinnias
Reposted by Jacqueline Antonovich

PSA FOR PEOPLE AFFECTED BY THE HURRICANE Most insurance providers have a clause for spoiled food. Especially in times of disaster, it is a no questions asked payment of $200-$500 to recover food lost to power outages or other disaster spoilage, but you have to call up and request it!

Reposted by Jacqueline Antonovich

“I wasn’t fired for anything I said in the classroom. I was fired because of a charge brought by a student I had never met, let alone taught, who had been surveying my social media account for months.”

Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post
Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post

Pennsylvania’s Muhlenberg College may have become the first institution since Oct. 7 to oust a tenured faculty member for such statements, though the professor is appealing the decision and still rece...

Reposted by Jacqueline Antonovich

This op-ed by Mark Seidner & Rochelle Walensky is 🔥. They call for a"new mandate for global drug and vaccine development research in low- & middle-income settings that requires a licensing, manufacture, pricing, and distribution plan prior to the conduct of trials."

Tested in Africa, used in America
Tested in Africa, used in America

The process for translating clinical trial results into action for young women in Africa has been left to our imaginations, write Mark Siedner and Rochelle Walensky.


As a historian of medicine, I will also add that we got germ theory!

Reposted by Jacqueline Antonovich

But we did get a huge labor movement, an early civil rights movement, and a push for women's rights, so we have that (with the understanding that those movements had their own issues)


Make America Great Again is clearly referring to the long turn of the 20thC — my area of expertise as a historian. Things that happened during this period: Jim Crow laws Eugenics Economic boom & bust cycles Immigration restrictions The rise & fall & rise again of the KKK Huge income inequality

Reposted by Jacqueline Antonovich

“Lewis&Tolkien shared a belief that the pleasure of myths&fairy tales was more than escapism…they also dispelled a myth: “If there is one thing to take away from this story,” Hendrix concludes, “it is a radical notion of fellowship that runs counter to the cultural stereotypes about ‘loner artists’”

How Tolkien and Lewis Re-enchanted a War-Weary World
How Tolkien and Lewis Re-enchanted a War-Weary World

A graphic novel makes a powerful case that if these two men had never met, 20th-century pop culture might have taken an entirely different course.

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Jacqueline Antonovich
Historian of medicine, gender, & politics in the American West. Creator & Executive Editor Emerita, @nursingclio. She/Her/Hers
3.9k followers719 following4.5k posts