Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill. Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
10.3k followers640 following6.3k posts

A) Yes, if Harris wins the presidency and Republicans flip the Senate, one thing she can do is keep current Cabinet officials in place. But B) Does anything stop her from giving a list to Biden who then nominates them for confirmation during the lame duck?

Harris' team is considering keeping Biden Cabinet officials if she wins and Democrats lose the Senate
Harris' team is considering keeping Biden Cabinet officials if she wins and Democrats lose the Senate

Harris has had to build a campaign quickly, leaving less time for considering future appointments.


So (a) the lame duck period is only two months until the new senate is in (b) Republicans can do a lot of stuff to gum up the works if they want and (c) Dems have a razor thin majority that includes a lot of proceduralists as well as Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin.


Would there be time (assuming maximal R stalling during the lame duck) to confirm the new slate? I have no clue whether there would be, procedurally.


Lots of info in this article about Harris' personnel options should she win. Also, this depressing item which might be true if one concludes Trump's second term would be so much worse than his first:

A recent NBC News poll found that 40% of registered voters worried that a Harris presidency would be a continuation of the Biden years, versus 39% who said they were worried that a second Trump term would resemble the first.

Time and Manchin, not necessarily in that order.


I’m not sure how many would stay. Turnover has been historically low, allegedly because Biden required a 4 yr commitment. Now they’re tired. I like the lame duck idea, though.


The answer to that question is “Joe Manchin” and “Kirsten Sinema”

Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill. Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
10.3k followers640 following6.3k posts