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Sully or Johnno or Nosey or Grad or Loud
My wife describes me as a useless Twitcher, my niece says I am a burden. They are not wrong. Interests mainly Welsh Birding, Irish Rugby, UK Wildlife, trying not to get involved in online discussion with Muppets or Bots.
26 followers54 following64 posts

No unusual seabirds on the Ferry from Rosslare this am. Loads of Kittiwakes/Gannets/Guillemots many feeding actively. Most interesting, 7 Swallow heading W!! towards Ireland offshore from Rosslare. then 5 swallow E 1/2 way across, a few 1&2's E later. 2 sightings of a few Common Dolphins


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Sully or Johnno or Nosey or Grad or Loud
My wife describes me as a useless Twitcher, my niece says I am a burden. They are not wrong. Interests mainly Welsh Birding, Irish Rugby, UK Wildlife, trying not to get involved in online discussion with Muppets or Bots.
26 followers54 following64 posts