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Sully or Johnno or Nosey or Grad or Loud
My wife describes me as a useless Twitcher, my niece says I am a burden. They are not wrong. Interests mainly Welsh Birding, Irish Rugby, UK Wildlife, trying not to get involved in online discussion with Muppets or Bots.
26 followers54 following64 posts

I thought fleetingly after skinny moorhen?? that it was a rat?? because of the speed it moved, how low it was to the ground, general size but it had "roadrunner" bird legs, it had to be a bird. It all happened so fast, it looked so strange, I was trying to make sense of it. Perplexing experience


There is a Russian?? Video on You Tube that shows 1 running across a path. As I recall the bird that's a good match. Head down, arse up, big powerful rapid (clockwork) legs, set way back, ran very fast. It looked dark but on a gloomy rainy day running away with head down, wings tucked, it would??


A flock of Canada Geese at Lady's Island Lake as dawn broke was not a romantic way to end the trip list.


CRAKE!!! Corncrake?? Fuck!!! I've never seen one, I got nothing on it. It was gone in a flash. It would have been a Wexford Mega. I've seen lots of Spotted & Little & Baillions in Turkey, UK spotted. It definitely didn't have the curved bill of a Water Rail. Can't think what else it could be. Ideas?


Back from the pub, talking to the owner outside the apartment and a ringtail Hen flies by. If that's the last trip list addition it's not a bad one


Turns out White-rumped. Another of the target birds. Walked from the beach to White Hole & back. Looked at many waders. One at sea looked like a fly-by Phal, flew like a Phal, gone too quickly for 100% Trip additions of Golden Plover & Whimbrel. 3 stunning SP RTDiver. Everything scarce avoided me.


at the time, turns out a Black Kite was in the area I was looking at?? Also a small ruff shaped wader thought that looks interesting a Pec? Went on birdguides & lo & behold, that had just come in. I was at the Forgotten Corner. Aside from birds a close Irish Hare right out in the open. Outstanding


I bought a pair of SvBony ED 10x50's for £127 having read the reviews which nearly all reported these are excellent value for money. The first time I used them I said "these are amazing value for the money". The brand is definitely worth looking at.


Both times I got some time in birding at Lady's Island Lake am at the Community Centre, pm at Rostoonstown Beach. This evening after the monsoon it was glorious there. Managed 13 spp of wader including Ruff, Little Stint, Knot, Blackwit, Greenshank. Considering the conditions, not bad on a bike.


Went out X2 today. No point with scope this am as visibility shite & raining. Gave in when heavens opened. Went out c4:30 as weather cleared, thought harriers might be up. Cycled back, got my tripod up, no time for scope, it monsooned. Got out sharpish. Hammered down. Got back and look!!

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Sully or Johnno or Nosey or Grad or Loud
My wife describes me as a useless Twitcher, my niece says I am a burden. They are not wrong. Interests mainly Welsh Birding, Irish Rugby, UK Wildlife, trying not to get involved in online discussion with Muppets or Bots.
26 followers54 following64 posts