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James North
Covering the Global South for 49 years. Wrote “Freedom Rising,” about apartheid South Africa. Editor @Mondoweiss. Reporting on the Global #ClimateEmergency. The background photo is my late friend Milfort Bruno, outside his shop in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
61 followers58 following12 posts
Reposted by James North

“Nasrallah to blame for own death for not having ordered the killing of more Israelis”

NYT: As Hezbollah Pursued a Limited War, Israel Went for a Knockout
The militia group seemed content to trade blows with Israel while avoiding a major conflict. A strike that killed its leader proves it miscalculated.
Reposted by James North

It's a half-victory, but a victory nonetheless, though less total than expected. CBP One survives (as does CHNV), family detention remains closed, ICE has dismissed hundreds of thousands of cases in the interest of prosecutorial discretion, and interior enforcement remains at relatively low levels.


I watched. You squashed him and he deserved it.

Reposted by James North

The latest dishonesty from CNN’s Biased Duo, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, about Rashida Tlaib prompted an intense critical reaction. The solution? CNN should ban them from reporting on Palestine.…

CNN’s Dishonest Duo, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, strike again
CNN’s Dishonest Duo, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, strike again

The latest dishonesty from CNN’s Biased Duo, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, about Rashida Tlaib prompted an intense critical reaction online. The solution? CNN should ban them from reporting on Palestine.

Reposted by James North

The page doesn't show it, but I'll be testifying in this House hearing about the border this afternoon. Testimony is ready and I'm looking forward. Tune in via YouTube at 2:00 Eastern:

The Border Crisis: The Cost of Chaos - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
The Border Crisis: The Cost of Chaos - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

Reposted by James North

Essentially all U.S. political journalists are hacks. But is a special case, especially given his positions over the years. He's bereft of any sense of basic propriety. He lies. He gleefully normalizes evil. He's shallow, feckless, and lazy. He's a bad person.

Reposted by James North

Chicago-area Zionists making violent threats got a screening of the film Israelism at Northbrook Library canceled because the local Jewish Bund and JVP chapters couldn't afford security

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Film Will Not Show At Northbrook Library
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Film Will Not Show At Northbrook Library

Library officials announced Wednesday that "Israelism," a documentary film about the conflict, is no longer on the schedule.

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James North
Covering the Global South for 49 years. Wrote “Freedom Rising,” about apartheid South Africa. Editor @Mondoweiss. Reporting on the Global #ClimateEmergency. The background photo is my late friend Milfort Bruno, outside his shop in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
61 followers58 following12 posts