Jay Ulfelder
He/him. Research project manager at Nonviolent Action Lab, Ash Center, Harvard Kennedy School. Mostly watching U.S. protest activity for Crowd Counting Consortium. Posting in my individual capacity.
1k followers391 following776 posts
Reposted by Jay Ulfelder

Worth noting that the only reason the US has any sort of free school breakfast is that we collectively freaked out when the Black Panthers began successfully implementing one outside of government infrastructure

Reposted by Jay Ulfelder

It is so, so very clear and simple that this should not be allowed. AI is close to useless as a technology, and absolutely catastrophic for the environment and the power grid. And yet, it is being shoved on all of us. Kill AI. Kill it dead. Exceptions only for things like identifying cancers.

Reposted by Jay Ulfelder

US gov offering free covid tests by mail again


Terrorism brain has got to be one of the most insidious conditions ever to infect "Western" culture. Red scare brain was/is similarly intense and pervasive, but it's the ways that terrorism brain interacts with and accelerates racism that make it just so extra shitty and deadly.


"Emails between fossil fuel lobbyists and lawmakers in UT, WV, ID and OH suggest a nationwide strategy to deter people...from peacefully disrupting the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure by enacting tough laws with lengthy jail sentences."

Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US
Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US

Lobbyists and lawmakers have coordinated to enact new laws that increase criminal penalties for peaceful protests

Reposted by Jay Ulfelder

New story from me: In 1906, four men tried to build an upscale Black suburb near DC. White residents & developers shut it down before they could even fully start. On Saturday, a historical marker honoring Belmont was unveiled — and their descendants were in attendance

Maryland finally honors the Black suburb shut down by white developers
Maryland finally honors the Black suburb shut down by white developers

In 1906, four men tried to build an upscale Black suburb. White residents and developers shut them down before they could even start.


Things that people sometimes say are antifascist that are not, in fact, antifascist: the Democratic Party; the governments of Russia, China, and Iran; the government of Israel; MSNBC; the gun lobby; the ADL; police called about hate crimes; yelling at people to vote against their conscience.


I'm tinkering this morning with stats summarizing rhetoric at pro-Palestinian protests in the U.S. since Oct 2023 per CCC data, and there are some clear trends in there. For ex, here we see how references to genocide have steadily widened and are now seen at nearly all events.

Column chart showing monthly percentages of pro-Palestinian protest events in the U.S. from October 2023 through September 2024 at which references to genocide were observed in participants' signs or chants, per Crowd Counting Consortium data.

The share rises fairly steadily from less than 60 percent in October 2023 to nearly 90 percent in September 2024.
Jay Ulfelder
He/him. Research project manager at Nonviolent Action Lab, Ash Center, Harvard Kennedy School. Mostly watching U.S. protest activity for Crowd Counting Consortium. Posting in my individual capacity.
1k followers391 following776 posts