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Jazzy Cee
Youtuber that likes RPGs and games in general or whatever.
7 followers9 following36 posts

There's a new ATLA comic where Iroh apologized to June for being a creep. The panel got shared on reddit and some SA survivors were sharing how cool this is and what it means to them. While the rest of the thread is a bunch of people being completely tone-deaf and minimizing SA. This is so tiring.


As a last note: I love how with every comment you just keep changing topics. Either you are purposefully moving goal posts, or you truly don't know how to stay on topic.


Of course, it makes sense to use him in the historical context. He was freaking THERE. Is existing at the time and place not enough? Does that mean we can never tell any stories about unique people in unique situations? Like, I don't understand this argument at all. It doesn't make sense.


I recommend doing some research before spewing historical misinformation and going to actual academic sources. Here are some academic sources for you, that even talk about the topic in the context of the AC game:


Now, if you want to talk about historicity. Not it's not up for debate. The english version of Prof Lockley's book is pretty half historical fiction, and is being criticized by other peers. HOWEVER, we have letters from jesuits, and even japanese sources that experts do say prove Yasuke was samurai.


They used Yasuke because an improbable fish out of water story about a black man becoming a samurai under the guy who unified half of Japan is objectively freaking awesome, as evidenced by the fact that the japanese themselves have used Yasuke numerous times (Nioh, inspiration for Afro Samurai, etc)


This whole fucking "pushing an agenda" vs "being fun" is just a false dichotomy created by grifters that imply every game with progressive values is secretly trying to be propaganda. They aren't. They are just games, and sometimes games are bad.


Oh, buddy, I have more examples if you want. But make up your damn mind. Are you arguing that "go woke go broke" is a thing, or are you arguing games will sell or not based on whether they are good or bad. Because this comment and your other ones don't make sense together.


You are misunderstanding me. My point is literally what you said. Being inclusive is not an automatic indication of success and failure. But grifters will say every inclusive game that fails, failed solely because it's inclusive, and not just because it's bad.


When Riot gave Nunu and Willump the Disney treatment, it was the right choice. It made them look better and fit their idea better. It just does not work with Teemo. The voice and splash are generic, and getting rid of the captain and trauma aspects scream non-controversial corporate decision.

Teemo 2024 Voice Update - English
Teemo 2024 Voice Update - English

YouTube video by SkinSpotlights

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Jazzy Cee
Youtuber that likes RPGs and games in general or whatever.
7 followers9 following36 posts