If it stays still I will sew it, knit it, or paint it. Just for starters. I am fighting with all I have to see democracy last a few more years here. In the PNW. I am Me, wife, mom, grandma. The older I get, the liberaler I be.
198 followers977 following2.5k posts

That comment about “just move” got me mad as hell and I wrote about it here. Please share if you think it would encourage people to vote. (If not appropriate to post this here or you’d like me to delete, please just let me know.)

Flying Dragons, Vaporettos, and Climate Change
Flying Dragons, Vaporettos, and Climate Change

Any scifi fantasy fans out there? Years ago I read Anne McCafree’s Dragonriders of Pern series. Short version: Hundreds of years after…


If it stays still I will sew it, knit it, or paint it. Just for starters. I am fighting with all I have to see democracy last a few more years here. In the PNW. I am Me, wife, mom, grandma. The older I get, the liberaler I be.
198 followers977 following2.5k posts