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Kay in the End Times 🏳️‍🌈 💟💜💙📚
Love Aotearoa NZ. Pākehā. Tangata Tiriti. #Queer. (they/them). Geek. 🧀 🧇 🐈 🍞+🌹 ❤️ #Books 📚, Planet, Music. #accessibility If you don't include #AltText image descriptions, I'm unlikely to follow you. I block offensive language + anti trans views
490 followers1.3k following1.5k posts
Reposted by Kay in the End Times 🏳️‍🌈 💟💜💙📚

I honestly think it should be MANDATORY for media outfits to have to interview and publish the opinion of a trans person whenever they publish an article on trans people. And if they can’t get one, then they can’t publish the article.

Reposted by Kay in the End Times 🏳️‍🌈 💟💜💙📚

once again yelling until I am blue in the face: when people show you who they are, you should believe them

Substack’s CEO Would Rather Not Think About the Racist Stuff. Okay?
Substack’s CEO Would Rather Not Think About the Racist Stuff. Okay?

Substack chief Chris Best said he didn't want to

Reposted by Kay in the End Times 🏳️‍🌈 💟💜💙📚

Okay, it's the weekend, let's do this meme. (Though be warned: my music taste is what most people would consider "bad," unless you happen to like both Top 40 pop and symphonic metal.)

Get to know my music taste. For every like, I will post one song I love.

In Aotearoa New Zealand, our health authorities now offer the HPV vaccine to all teenagers, regardless of gender. It stops transmission and protects against other cancers too. About 1/3 of all HPV cancers affect men. HPV can also cause genital warts. 💉⚕️

Reposted by Kay in the End Times 🏳️‍🌈 💟💜💙📚
Reposted by Kay in the End Times 🏳️‍🌈 💟💜💙📚

I also take objection with the implication in the post that if you don't share her opinion by the end of it, you're bad at maths. I don't often play this card but: I graduated from one of the top scientific schools of France, read the article, and I still disagree with her conclusions. So there.

Reposted by Kay in the End Times 🏳️‍🌈 💟💜💙📚

E Lily Yu has posted what I find to be a horribly transphobic diatribe (I refuse to link to it but I'll note as someone with a masters that includes statistical analysis and data processing, that I believe her analysis of the sources is flawed/her sources aren't reliable). Ugh.


Building consents aren't the same thing as the Building Code or standards or inspection requirements. Consolidating consents process could help - as with Simpli -have you looked at that? I don't trust this govt but that doesn't mean they're necessarily wrong about possible improvements. #nzpol

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Kay in the End Times 🏳️‍🌈 💟💜💙📚
Love Aotearoa NZ. Pākehā. Tangata Tiriti. #Queer. (they/them). Geek. 🧀 🧇 🐈 🍞+🌹 ❤️ #Books 📚, Planet, Music. #accessibility If you don't include #AltText image descriptions, I'm unlikely to follow you. I block offensive language + anti trans views
490 followers1.3k following1.5k posts