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Jez Fletcher
Films, music, beer, pretending I have a sense of humour by quoting The Simpsons he/him
57 followers100 following1.1k posts

I watched a genuinely terrible late-night slasher film at the Sydney Film Festival, with an audience laughing at all the worst parts, and at the very end someone shouted out "what a load of old horseshit" It was a genuine bonding experience with a bunch of strangers


I just showed THE PHANTOM MENACE to the kids (they've seen the other first 5 films, but I'd studiously avoided Ep 1). And they loved it. They loved Jar Jar, they loved the pod racing; they were rapt throughout. I honestly feel like I might have been misjudging it for 20 years.


Come on now

Another damn positive Covid test. This is a week long with no signs of abating, what the hell

You know what sucks? Having Covid. Even when fully up to date on vaccinations, it sucks. Even with these so-called less intense strains that you apparently get now, it sucks.


Oh no, not again

A thermometer reading of 38.8⁰C

It's mine, not the kids', but at least one of the kids seemed unwell last night as well.

It probably says something about our household that the 8yo assumed that this was yuzu-flavoured Mentos

A half-packet of fruit Mentos, from left to right, Watermelon, Strawberry, and some yellow fruit that I would have said was lemon but MAYBE IT'S YUZU WHO KNOWS?

There's always a film from #sydfilmfest that I omit from my schedule only for everyone to then love to pieces. This year it was I SAW THE TV GLOW, and this afternoon I'm finally catching up with it.


It has been a few days, so I'd like to introduce Callisto

A black Australian Cobberdog puppy, looking directly at the camera while lounging on some fake grass.
Callisto lying on the wooden decking outside looking up at me with her big black puppy dog eyes
Callisto licking my face and chewing on my beard.

Vale the now-discontinued but best Red Rock Deli chips

Red Rock Deli, Chef Series Poh Malaysian Beef Rendang chips. My last bag, which I've just finished the last bit of.

The 8yo learned of the dish hong shao rou in Chinese class, and said Dad, can you cook it? I had never heard of it, but I said I sure can. Turns out I was right.

Red braised pork belly in a sticky sauce of soy sauce and shaoxing, flavoured with ginger, shallot and star anise.

It was fucking delicious.
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Jez Fletcher
Films, music, beer, pretending I have a sense of humour by quoting The Simpsons he/him
57 followers100 following1.1k posts