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Joad The Wet Sprocket
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a post from ashley fairbanks that reads "I don't want to seem like I don't have empathy for people losing their homes. But throughout human history, people have had to move when the environment demanded it. Move inland. Build smaller houses, with stronger materials. Own less stuff."
a later post from Ashley Fairbanks that reads "I said 'incentivize climate migration and adaptation' and people heard 'don't help hurricane victims.' When most people's wealth is entirely tied up in their house, it's good policy to encourage to build them in ways and in places where they won't be at constant risk from climate disasters."
screen cap from the scene in Wet Hot American Summer where Gene said he was going to "fondle [his] sweaters" and then tried to pretend he said "fondue with cheddar." the other guy (I don't remember his name) replies "No, Gene. That is not what you said."

"move inland"


It’s all leftist fun and games until it’s people you don’t like, then it becomes all about personal responsibility


Move inland; when you get hit by a tornado in the most inland part of the country, it's "Well you shouldn't live where tornadoes happen!" 🙄🤬 Newsflash: EVERYWHERE has weather. How about we focus on climate change & quit shitting on people too poor to just up & move every time disaster strikes?


Has society not learned that "I don't want to be [mask off about social issue]. But" INEVITABLY leads to the worst possible statement?


I feel apoplectic when people suggest that those with nothing, or even just modest means, those who were just victims of a natural disaster, should uproot their lives and "own less". especially when there are billionaires in the world.


Weird how the answer is individual bootstrapping and not demanding our government be ready for mass evacuations and mass rebuilds and mass relocations


We're certainly on our way, but context hasn't collapsed to the point where you can take a tweet that's obviously built around individual decisions and pretend you meant "we should incentivize heartier structures" when everyone gets mad. You can just delete and move on, there's no Loom of Fate here

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Joad The Wet Sprocket
I see you brought your groupchat
2.2k followers608 following14.5k posts