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Joe Gallagher
socialism | disability justice | evolutionary biology | data science ⚽ | LFC
90 followers206 following5 posts

finally decided to get some writing out in a blog on marxism, disability justice and the pandemic first in a series of posts on 'vulnerability' and vulnerabilisation is up now and I'll plug some excerpts this week

Marx in the Pandemicene

This is a short-form blog which aims to bring a materialist analysis to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic—an intersection of Marxism and disability justice with a little psychoanalysis and critical review of the scientific literature too—in order to examine its wider role in furthering eugenics, imperialism, and genocide. The aim is to leverage some more well-theorised concepts from other fields (e.g. biopower / necropolitics, vulnerability / abjection, denial / disavowal / repression, medical gaze / iatrogenic harm, crip / queer theory, epidemiology) to help re-centre the increasingly invisibilised issues of disease and public health in the ultimate question of global liberation.

feel sick seeing the images coming out of Gaza but it feels like the very least you can do in a state which is actively funding it is not look away and ignore it, being faced with a brick wall of pro-genocide by the state media is genuinely Maddening but that's exactly its point


I just made a donation to Medical Aid for Palestinians.


keep on meaning to cross-post here but most of my stuff on the old place is QTs, so take this old semi-shitpost which is relevant again to Novara today


going to be cross-posting between the old app and here until the latter is finally dead so stay tuned for an exhilarating mix of bullshit football stats and Marxism with a focus on disability and public health and not forgetting there is an ongoing airborne pandemic

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Joe Gallagher
socialism | disability justice | evolutionary biology | data science ⚽ | LFC
90 followers206 following5 posts