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Jennifer O’Leary
Mom of two, Former tax lawyer. I hope men, especially justices, when in need of emergency care, have a moment of panic thinking “Wait they’re not going to let me get close to death before they treat, are they?” It will only be a moment, “oh that’s women”
117 followers417 following25 posts
Reposted by Jennifer O’Leary

Election fraud is real. It's just not what Republicans tell you it is. Now it's a phony letter from the made-up "Pennsylvania Congressional Office of Immigration Affairs" telling a voter that her household had been selected to house five migrant refugees.

Reposted by Jennifer O’Leary

- expanding Supreme Court from 9 to 15 justices, & increasing amount of lower courts/judges - requiring a two-thirds vote of Supreme Court & circuit courts to overturn a law passed by Congress - automatically scheduling a vote on a Court nominee if they stall for 180 days lots of good shit in here


Great question!

Reposted by Jennifer O’Leary

Last year the NYPD spent $150 Million to catch people who weren't able to afford to pay the subway fare. They collectively owed just $104,000 in fares. Instead of funding cops to shoot people, why not use the money to make public transport free for people who can't afford it?

The NYPD Spent $150 Million to Catch Farebeaters Who Cost the MTA $104,000 - Hell Gate
The NYPD Spent $150 Million to Catch Farebeaters Who Cost the MTA $104,000 - Hell Gate

The massive increase coincided with just a two percent decrease in serious crime.


That’s wonderful! Congratulations!

Reposted by Jennifer O’Leary

"When its law went into effect in July 2022, Gov. Brian Kemp said he was “overjoyed”.... After advocates tried to block the ban in court, arguing the law put women in danger, attorneys for the state of Georgia accused them of “hyperbolic fear mongering.” Two weeks later, Thurman was dead."

Reposted by Jennifer O’Leary

A “modest proposal”

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Jennifer O’Leary
Mom of two, Former tax lawyer. I hope men, especially justices, when in need of emergency care, have a moment of panic thinking “Wait they’re not going to let me get close to death before they treat, are they?” It will only be a moment, “oh that’s women”
117 followers417 following25 posts