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she/her | abyss explorer | 40+ | old soul dystopian world | unadult | MXTX | danmei brainrot | 18+🔞 | nsfw | AO3: Jomo_Life
66 followers165 following74 posts
Reposted by Jomo


Had this thought: Wei Ying starts tinkering with incense clocks, then realizes if the path the incense follows is a talisman, he can play with the fabric of time…

Incense clock

Whatever is on X will probably be scraped, past and present


Looking forward to this!

Reposted by Jomo



It’s very difficult to be free from billionaire narcissists with grandiose political aspirations

Reposted by Jomo

ahh hello it’s yet another wipwed for me and my bottomji big bang fic 🧐 - wwx is in disguise, as a servant called a-fu - lwj has just caught him flirting with a serving maid alt text available!

Lan Wangji bites his tongue. Too late, something enormous and ashen is rising in his chest, tracing a burning path up his throat like a sob. When he swallows, it does nothing but compound the taste, reminding him exactly of who he is, and of everything he has already lost.

“Do I,” he begins, and it is impossible to keep the tremor from his voice, the tears from overflowing in his eyes. “Do I mean so little to you, especially after last night?”

Lan Wangji regrets the words as soon as they leave him. But as his uncle would have said, a man speaks, and even a team of four horses cannot retrieve his words. A-Fu had offered a sincere apology, and in return, he had thoughtlessly thrown his entire heart out into the open: rubbed raw, torn asunder, laid bare.
I don’t care if he knows, or if he thinks any less of me, even with the difference in our stations. Lan Wangji dabs at the corners of his eyes with his sleeve. I am not at all ashamed of what I feel for him.

“Wangye.” A-Fu shuffles forward on his knees. To Lan Wangji’s astonishment, he is crying as well, the tears slipping down his cheeks like rain. “A-Fu is devoted to you for life. I would follow you anywhere and everywhere: from the cold mountains of Liao in the north, to the warm plains of Dali in the south; to the edges of the world, and the corners of the sea. I will never leave you. I would die for you in an instant. In A-Fu’s simple mind, that is worth far more than everything that we have ever done together.”
A servant’s words, through and through. “I don’t want that.”

“Wangye —”

“What I want,” Lan Wangji begins, his voice hitching and thickening in his throat, “is for you to stand beside me as an equal. To be someone other than a servant to me. Throughout this lifetime, and the next, and the next.”

And the plot is the interrelated destiny between a woman who impersonates a man (except with her wife and a few others) and becomes emperor and a eunuch general who lives only to seek revenge on the Mongols who wiped out his family line - I think his portion of the story will come out more in vol 2.


Eh I just saw this! Ok, after reading so much fan fiction I feel jaded. It was good - historical w/no magic, baihe wlw undertones with a whole lot more politics, battles and history going on. One of the main characters is a eunuch general; I did some research on that which was quite horrifying...

Reposted by Jomo

bones of ribbon 🌱 canon era, no powers 🌱 won slave lan zhan ans his new master, wei ying 🌱 learning care and hope, and what home means 🌱 a whole lot of hurt and muuuch comfort

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she/her | abyss explorer | 40+ | old soul dystopian world | unadult | MXTX | danmei brainrot | 18+🔞 | nsfw | AO3: Jomo_Life
66 followers165 following74 posts