Jonathan Stegall
User experience designer. Faith-rooted organizer and abolitionist. Love design, theology, justice, grace. Enjoy coffee, beer, goth, metal. He/him. Live in Minneapolis.
528 followers288 following986 posts

A couple years ago I read the memoir that Rachel E Harding wrote with her mother, Rosemarie Freeney Harding (who has since died): "Remnants: A Memoir of Spirit, Activism, and Mothering" and it was wonderful. I think about various parts from it often. Here's one of the excerpts that I think about:


There’s a section about white Southerners. Rosemarie Harding tells a story to some college students and follows up with this: “Try to place yourself in a Southern tradition where the custom is that you can be friendly to Black folk but Black folk are never to get out of their place.

Jonathan Stegall
User experience designer. Faith-rooted organizer and abolitionist. Love design, theology, justice, grace. Enjoy coffee, beer, goth, metal. He/him. Live in Minneapolis.
528 followers288 following986 posts