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Joseph de Weck
Columnist @Internationale Politik Quarterly, Europe Fellow @FPRI, 📚Author “Macron: Der revolutionäre Präsident“
283 followers138 following8 posts

Europe fears a reelected Trump lets Ukraine out on a limb. Yet there is an easy if humiliating way for Europe to get Trump to support Kyiv. Buy off the GOP with a multiyear purchase of US arms for Kyiv. Why it's worth doing it now. 👇 OpEd

Europe should offer Trump a Ukraine deal he can’t refuse
Europe should offer Trump a Ukraine deal he can’t refuse

EU leaders fear that if reelected, the former president could cut US aid to Ukraine — but they may just be able to bribe him.


Warum Präsident Macron sich bislang kaum für die Schweiz interessierte. Und warum Paris in Zukunft aber wieder öfter das Gespräch mit Bern suchen könnte. 👉 Tagesgespräch @srfnews zum Staatsbesuch Präsident Macrons in der Schweiz.

Joseph de Weck: Die Macron-Show in der Schweiz - Tagesgespräch - SRF
Joseph de Weck: Die Macron-Show in der Schweiz - Tagesgespräch - SRF

Am Mittwoch wird Frankreichs Präsident in Bern empfangen. Die Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Frankreich waren in den letzten Jahren angespannt, nun stehen die Zeichen auf Entspannung. Wie sieht Präsiden...


Berlin‘s new economic angst: France attracting German industry with cheap electricity. When France’s economy struggled, Paris often accused Berlin of foul-play. Now it is German’s turn to think that its problems are also the fault of its neighbor.

Sparks Fly in the Franco-German Electricity Battle–And Over the Future of the EU’s Single Market
Sparks Fly in the Franco-German Electricity Battle–And Over the Future of the EU’s Single Market

The German government faces a weighty decision: Should it block France from providing cheap energy to its industrial companies? Or should it introduce its own electricity subsidy for its struggling in...


Yes, it’s becoming a bigger and bigger gathering!

Reposted by Joseph de Weck

Say hello to Swiss IR expert in Paris, who wrote an excellent book on Emmanuel Macron. Also spends much time trying to explain France to the rest of us.


Thank you for the code Helene and for telling us all who is around!


Does Berlin think that European or rather US/Chinese firms are the prime competitors for its industry? On this question depends whether Paris and Berlin will keep fighting over crumbs, while the rest of the world is baking cakes. 👉 Latest column @IPQuarterly

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Joseph de Weck
Columnist @Internationale Politik Quarterly, Europe Fellow @FPRI, 📚Author “Macron: Der revolutionäre Präsident“
283 followers138 following8 posts