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Jos Gallacher
Scot, European citizen, economic policy aficionado, green tinged democratic socialist, social democrat, book lover, coffee addict and pedant. In that order.
33 followers62 following164 posts

On 28 May the Labour Party received £4,000,000 from a hedge fund with HQ in the Cayman Islands tax haven. Next week the Labour chancellor of the exchequer will tell the UK regulator to go easy on the financial sector. There is no connection between these events.

Reeves to tell UK financial watchdog to prove it will support growth
Reeves to tell UK financial watchdog to prove it will support growth

Chancellor wants the Financial Conduct Authority to demonstrate it will back expansion of financial services


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Jos Gallacher
Scot, European citizen, economic policy aficionado, green tinged democratic socialist, social democrat, book lover, coffee addict and pedant. In that order.
33 followers62 following164 posts