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Jan R. Boehnke
I work at the School of #HealthSciences, University of Dundee & as a #NightshiftEditor Interested in measurement, (health-related) quality of life #HRQL, multimorbidity, #ResearchEthics, publishing models, #PeerReview & research assessment
298 followers410 following319 posts
Reposted by Jan R. Boehnke

While on the topic, I try be productive in Bsky short-form discourse by making claims the subject. Statements like: "Open science critics claim..." or "Metascientists say..." make the people the subject, and stereotype the group. I try to make the claim the subject and cite the source, if relevant

Reposted by Jan R. Boehnke

I just explained the economics of academic publishing to a group of undergrads and wow are they mad. Is this what they mean by radicalizing the youth?

Reposted by Jan R. Boehnke

📉📈 Economics is a Field of Software Engineering papers published today are collections of text, code, and data. But very often only the text part of this package is reviewed and … 1/3

Economics is a Field of Software Engineering
Economics is a Field of Software Engineering

It should start acting like one


Good shout, I have not worked with that one. But from that perspective, depmixS4 may be also an option: [searching for "latent markov models" brings still a lot of hits to PANMARK, another blast from the past 😅]

depmixS4: An R Package for Hidden Markov Models by Ingmar Visser, Maarten Speekenbrink
depmixS4: An R Package for Hidden Markov Models by Ingmar Visser, Maarten Speekenbrink

<b>depmixS4</b> implements a general framework for defining and estimating dependent mixture models in the <b>R</b> programming language. This includes standard Markov models, latent/hidden Markov mo...

Reposted by Jan R. Boehnke

New preprint! The age-period-cohort problem is something that many researchers are vaguely aware of. There have been very cool advances in how to reason about it which don't seem to be well-known in psych. So, I've written a primer!

Psychological researchers are interested in how things change over time and routinely make claims about, for example, age effects (e.g., personality changes with age) or cohort effects (e.g., differences in intelligence between cohorts). The age-period-cohort identification problem means that these claims are not possible based on the data alone: Any possible temporal pattern can be explained by an infinite number of combinations of age, period, and cohort effects. This concern holds regardless of the study design—it also applies to longitudinal designs covering multiple cohorts—and regardless of the number of observations available—it also applies if we observe the whole population. Researchers rely on statistical models that impose assumptions to pick one specific combination of effects. But these assumptions are often opaque and researchers may be unaware of them, resulting in a lack of scrutiny. Here,...

Sounds like this list is bringing the right people together then! There are a number more, but most accounts are unfortunately dormant or have not posted...

a man in a suit and tie is standing next to a car and waving at it .
a man in a suit and tie is standing next to a car and waving at it .

ALT: a man in a suit and tie is standing next to a car and waving at it .


He is not that active here, that made me miss his account: is not that active here, but there is some good quality psychometrics content already in his feed.

Reposted by Jan R. Boehnke

🧵 1/2 New open access paper: First soup-to-nuts description of my explanation-focused view of test validity. A dialectic on validity: Explanation-focused and the many ways of being human. “International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education,” vol. 10, pp. 1-96.

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Jan R. Boehnke
I work at the School of #HealthSciences, University of Dundee & as a #NightshiftEditor Interested in measurement, (health-related) quality of life #HRQL, multimorbidity, #ResearchEthics, publishing models, #PeerReview & research assessment
298 followers410 following319 posts