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Julia Davis
Columnist @TheDailyBeast, creator of the Russian Media Monitor, sanctioned by Russia, member of @TheEmmys. I watch Russian state TV, so you don't have to.
8.9k followers0 following520 posts

Meanwhile in Russia: emboldened by Trump's rhetoric, state TV's experts urge Moscow not to stop at Ukraine and target Poland next. They fondly reminisce about taking Bialystok in 1939, when the Soviet Union attacked Poland in alliance with Nazi Germany.

Russian state TV experts want to target Poland
Russian state TV experts want to target Poland

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor


Meanwhile in Russia: hysterical weatherman Evgeny Tishkovets delivers a weather forecast the likes of which you've never seen. Russia is rapidly turning into a larger North Korea. Tishkovets is yelling like the North Korea's "lady in pink."

Weatherman Evgeny Tishkovets delivers a nuclear weather report
Weatherman Evgeny Tishkovets delivers a nuclear weather report

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor


Meanwhile in Russia: attacks against Ukraine and Zelensky by Trump and Republicans really hit the spot in Moscow. Trump's tirade is being featured on every state TV channel.

Olga Skabeeva enjoys Trump's tirade against Zelensky
Olga Skabeeva enjoys Trump's tirade against Zelensky

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor


Meanwhile in Russia: weatherman Evgeny Tishkovets delivers a nuclear forecast and tells everyone living in the West, "Welcome to hell." As I wrote in my book, "In Their Own Words," state TV propaganda was merely an opening act to Putin's nuclear threats.

Weatherman Evgeny Tishkovets delivers a nuclear forecast
Weatherman Evgeny Tishkovets delivers a nuclear forecast

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor


Meanwhile in Russia: pundits discussed the possibility of splitting up Ukraine and controlling what's left of it. Maxim Yusin urged pundits and viewers not to delude themselves and to face reality. This and more in my latest article, linked below ⤵️

Maxim Yusin says Russia's war is forever
Maxim Yusin says Russia's war is forever

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor


Zelensky’s visit to the US darkened the mood in Russia. Maxim Yusin urged Russians to face reality. He said, “Let’s come down to earth... This conflict is forever, your grandchildren will still be fighting in it.” My latest for

Putin’s Pals Realize How Much They’ve Screwed Up With the Ukraine War
Putin’s Pals Realize How Much They’ve Screwed Up With the Ukraine War

State TV pundits are fretting about imminent strikes on Russian soil and a never-ending conflict.


Meanwhile in Russia: military expert Alexey Anpilogov said European countries should line up to be run over by a "Russian steamroller" after Ukraine is "finished." State TV host Olesya Loseva agreed it might be time for Poland to be split up once more.

Russian state TV says Poland is next
Russian state TV says Poland is next

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor


Meanwhile in Russia: Alexander Sytin complained that America believes in helping the weak and defending victims, instead of sticking to the "white man's" imperialist ideas. Sytin claimed that Ukrainians are unbearable and compared them to bed bugs.

Alexander Sytin compares Ukrainians to bed bugs
Alexander Sytin compares Ukrainians to bed bugs

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor


State TV host Vladimir Solovyov argued that Russia should deprive Ukraine of any and all means of generating electricity, including nuclear power plants. He said that nurseries and kindergartens should be forced to rely solely on gasoline generators.

Vladimir Solovyov wants to deprive Ukraine of nuclear power plants
Vladimir Solovyov wants to deprive Ukraine of nuclear power plants

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor


Meanwhile in Russia: Vladimir Solovyov threatened Great Britain for helping Ukraine defend itself and criticized the British for not speaking proper English. Head of RT Margarita Simonyan and Solovyov jointly spit on London.

Vladimir Solovyov threatens Great Britain
Vladimir Solovyov threatens Great Britain

YouTube video by Russian Media Monitor

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Julia Davis
Columnist @TheDailyBeast, creator of the Russian Media Monitor, sanctioned by Russia, member of @TheEmmys. I watch Russian state TV, so you don't have to.
8.9k followers0 following520 posts