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Kate Lister
Blonde Bombsite. Sex Historian. Author of A Curious History of Sex & Harlot, Whores, & Hackabouts. Host of Betwixt the Sheets Podcast. Consider this your fair dos warning.
5.8k followers62 following376 posts

Why the hell did no one warn me about perimenopausal periods? “I had assumed that when the time came my periods would just graciously bow out. That somewhere around 50, they would quietly wind themselves up & then exit my life in a calm and orderly manner”

Why won’t doctors believe me about the menopause?
Why won’t doctors believe me about the menopause?

The worst thing about perimenopause periods? The rage


They're absolute bloody bastards. You go happily tootling along for 71 days (why yes I AM using a tracker app), then suddenly there's an absolute tsunami for a day and you can't go anywhere. Oh, and you feel wiped out.


My wife's in a similar situation, though a year or so older than you. Just got the hormonal coil fitted so we'll see if that helps, but her one blood test do far has said 'nomal' so no hrt yet.


Yes to this. Why don't we get told about migraines, mood swings that can bring you to tears, constant hunger, constant exhaustion, memory loss, inability to put together a sentence, exacerbation of mental health problems


I'm 47, I've NEVER had regular periods, and they've always been awful. I am truly, seriously pissed on your behalf. Fake hormones can be good, or you can suddenly develop an allergy and almost die. (Ask me how I know 😉) Doctors need to start listening to, and believing, women.




Wait until you have a period after menopause and your doctor requests an $800 MRI. (Rogue periods are apparently normal but they treat everything as abnormal and you have to pay for all the tests because no one knows shit about menopause.)


Oh this, my partner had been suffering all manner of debilitating symptoms for 10 years before one doctor finally thought 'menopause' and prescribed HRT. 10 years of gaslighting and misdiagnosis, being prescribed everything (first stop antidepressants) other than what she actually needed.


I got the mirena and that helped tremendously. No more immens floods, and besides I became more stable myself.


I compared it to the way they shoot off a whole bunch of fireworks just before the end. Those hormones go out with a bang! Right now I’m at the equivalent of sitting on the blanket, making sure it’s really over.


Yep. I thought I was going mad. My (female) GP just nodded, told me I was suffering from depression (perhaps I was) and prescribed SSRIs. At no point in the consultation did my age or possible perimenopausal status come up for discussion.

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Kate Lister
Blonde Bombsite. Sex Historian. Author of A Curious History of Sex & Harlot, Whores, & Hackabouts. Host of Betwixt the Sheets Podcast. Consider this your fair dos warning.
5.8k followers62 following376 posts